Draco Malfoy

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Warning: Contains swearing.

You were home completely alone. Again. Draco was always out, working. You were pregnant. 8 months and 20 days to be exact.

Your fear for the water to break got bigger every day. It was now 11 pm and still no sign of Draco. You sighed and looked at the television again. The front door opened and you turned around at the sound of feet walking around in the hall

"Draco, where have you been? No wait at work, right? I don't want the same fucking excuse every time you come home! Where have you been?" You angrily yelled at him to get it all out.

"I have been working, so you can buy all those things you want!" He yelled back.

"To 11 pm? Draco, I'm 8 months pregnant! What if my...... Oh..." You suddenly trailed off.

You hurried to look down and saw the floor was wet.

"Draco... My water broke..." You erupted panicking.

"Shit." Draco whispered. He began running around to gather the bags you prepared for the birth.

You sat down again while trying to take deep breaths. Draco ran rapidly around to collect every so for thing you would need. If it wasn't for that you were going to give birth, you would be laughing at his face and the fact he never runs around like that.

He then quickly came over to you before taking your left hand, and you felt the feeling of apparating.

He quickly helped you inside St. Mungo, the hospital, and you walked over to the desk.

"My wife's water just broke, we need a doctor." Draco stated gesturing to you, who already began to twitch because of the pain.

The nurse gazed at you and nodded. She took a wheelchair and asked you kindly to sit in it.

She drove you around with the wheelchair to the birth area. More nurses came in, lifted you up and placed you on a bed. Draco sat beside you while and the nurses began getting ready.

"Hello Mrs. And Mr. Malfoy. I'm Dr. Green and I will be the one to help your child to the world." Dr. Green smiled and first shook hands with Draco then you.

"We're ready." The nurses spoke from behind the doctor and he nodded back to them before placing himself at his postition.

"When I say 'push' you will start pushing, okay?" Dr. Green questioned.

You nodded, wanting it to be over with. The pain was unbearable.

"Start pushing now."

You pushed, while holding Draco's hand. After a hour and a half, you heard a small cry. You were so tired right now, but wanted to see your baby, too.

The nurse came over with your little girl holding her and showing Draco and your work.

"Her name?" She asked.

"Hope. Hope Malfoy." You answered looking at Draco.

The nurses left after checking Hope and congratulating you.

You looked over to Draco, who sat with her. Her tiny fingers around his thumb.

He looked up at you and smiled. "I love you y/n." He said.

"I love you too." You said back, closing your eyelids to hear Draco whisper something.

"Our little Hope."

This made me a little emotional. I am making a part two, because I want Narcissa and Lucius to see their grandchild!

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