Ron Weasley

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4 years after the war..


You stared at the pregnancytest in your hand. Wwre you really pregnant? You didn't want to get your hopes up, since the last time didn't end quite............. well.

The baby died, and you and Ron lost hope of ever getting children.

You had tried many times to get pregnant, but it always ended with you getting another abortion, the baby too ill to continue to live.

Ron had taken it harder than you, because he wanted to be a parent so much, seeing as Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, his best friend and Ron's sister already had a little baby boy.

And it certainly didn't help either of you, when you heard, that Ginny was already pregnant again.

You got out of the bathroom, and walked downstairs, spotting
Ron sitting at his work table, scribbling down on some papers with a pen in his hand.

"Ron?" You spoke out quietly, locking your eyes on his body before placing your sight on his puffy red hair.

He jumped up from the table, clearly not having heard you coming into the room and looked at you shocked, hand ready to grab onto his wand.

"Bloody hell y/n!" He yelled shocked at you, making you cringe slightly, not that familiar with the outbursts, he did time to time.

"Sorry," you said chuckling a little at his shocked face and walked a bit closer, sitting yourself down on your comfy couch.

"Is everything alright? Are you okay?" He asked, going over to you and putted his hand on your forehead, making you instantly feel comfort by his touch.

"Actually, I'm more than okay," you replied smiling up at him, while he stared confused back at you.

"Tell me, what's going on?" He asked wanting to know, still brushing his long fingers over the skin of your right cheek softly, making you lean into his hand and make him grin warmly, knowing that, that was your weakness.

You bit your lip and took his hands in yours looking him in the eyes while squeezing his hands.

"You might want to sit down," you confirmed nervously, smiling weakly, as he still looked for answers to your odd behaviour.

"Y/n, you're making me nervous," he said fear spread across his face, but listened and sat down beside you, holding your hands in his, squeezing them once in a while.

"Ron.. I'm... I'm," you trailed off and traveled your eyes up and down his face, before staring into his soft brown eyes, seeing the man you love and married before you smile worriedly.

This time had to work out. You wanted nothing less, than to make him happy, as he's my life, my soul and my love.

"Ro-oo-n," you stuttered out, taking a deep breath before you continued again.

He looked me at you, bringing a hand to you cheek, while he saw you be uncomfortable about saying something.

Please God, please let us have one, just one and you would be happy..

"I'm pregnant."


I'm thinking about making a part two.. Should I? Write if you want a part two.❤

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