》Oliver Wood x Alana《

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"Oliver! It's just a game. You'll win next time." Alana reasured, chasing her angry boyfriend as the Slytherins had won by 10 points.

She totally understood he was bummed about losing, but he was being a bit of a drama queen, accusing his team was rubbish, not blaming it on luck as both teams were good.

"It's not just a game Al! You know Qudditch is my life! There is no such important thing than that!" Oliver turned around, shouting this at her, making the two stop up and glare at each other.

"I'm sorry? There's plenty of things, that's better than Qudditch Wood! Like Friendship, family and love!" She screamed at him, seeing out from the corner of her eye, a crowd forming around them.

"You can't just blame your team and make the players feel nonworthy, because you couldn't keep the Quaffel away from the rings!" She yelled at him, actually not caring that almost all the students were looking at them fighting.

Gasp were heard as a loud smack echoed around them. Alana felt a burning pain on her left cheek (seen from her perspective)
and shocked looked at her boyfriend, not believing he did that.

Not believing he hit her.

She fought back tears, feeling them prick behind her eyes, but decided to let him and everyone see them as she held her cheek, which hurt a lot.

Oliver's facial expression stared shocked at his girlfriend before he looked at his hand, seeing it be red, but not as red as Alana's cheek.

If he looked closely enough, he could see his fingers shaped on to her firm cheek, being the white stripes across it.

Alana turned around and ran into the crowd, who all glared daggers at him. She rushed through the students, just wanting to get away before he would reach her.


Alana had kept her distance from Oliver, as her mother forbid her talking to him again. She had told her mother what happened, not having a father as he didn't want to be a part of the wizard life, since he was a average muggle.

She actually pitied Oliver through their last year at Hogwarts, as everyone glared at him, spread rumors about him hitting her more than that one time and people distanced themselves from him, making him seem very lonely.

She had several times thought about talking to him, but finally decided not to, as she still wasn't sure if he was mad at her or something.

Now she had moved to London. Diagon alley to be exact, deciding she would open up a bakery with her mother, seeming as they both liked baking and eating cakes.

She sat in her room, her mother down in the bakery, helping out customers, since they lived in a appartment over the bakery slash cafe.

She looked down at the letter she had written to Wood, deciding she should forgive him, as she thought he still could be mad or sad or simply hated himself for slapping her.

She called after her owl Snowhite, waiting for it to fly into her room. Because that it was a snowy white owl, she had decided to call her that. Don't judge Alana, she just loves Disney princesses.

Snowwhite grabbed the letter into her mouth and flew out her window, disappearing behind a building in front of the shop.


Oliver had graduated from Hogwarts and moved out into a small wizard village, wanting to feel the peace and quietness himself and also, that he could fly around on his broom and train, as he wanted to join a pro team.

He hadn't hear from Alana, until a snowy white owl flew through his window, that he had opened up to get some fresh air into his wooden house.

"Haven't seen you before. Who's your owner?" He asked the owl, even though he knew it surely wouldn't answer his question, saying; "Oh you know. Just your former girlfriend, that you slapped in the face."

He grimaced as he found himself thinking over her again, sighing deeply while taking the letter out from the owl's mouth, putting four knuts in its pocket.

The owl gave a squeak before it flew out again and up behind some trees.

Oliver opened the letter, recognizing the cursive letters. The letter was from her.


Hey Olli.
I know I haven't talked to you since our fight and I just wanted to say, actually no. I'm writing. Stupid me. I wanted to write to you, that I don't want you to hate yourself for hitting me. I have forgived you for a long time. I really hope you can forgive me for not talking to you and I'm very sorry about people avoiding you, because of me.

I still love you, you know and I hope you will meet me at the cafe I own in Diagon alley Thursday at 4' o clock, so we can talk and maybe you will apologise to me or something.

Love, Alana Calleigh.


He silently cheered inside himself as he got a second change, deciding he wouldn't screw it. He loved her too much to do so.


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