》Draco Malfoy x Mari Mal Ella《

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Owls was the nightmare of every student from year 5.
That meant also a nightmare for me.


I couldn't find peace at the library, since every student seemed to be there, trying to read everything before Owls.

So that's why I'm sitting on the bleachers making my homework and study for Owls.

The usual yells and cheers were not here, so peace and quietness filled the whole field.

The Slytherin Qudditch team trained around the field, but it was their training time and such, so I couldn't complain about the little noise they made.


I eventually got my assignments, facts-cards and the most of my homework done, so I decided to walk back to the castle.

As I packed my things together, a drop of water hit the brick of my nose.

"Rain?" I asked myself and looked up to see the sky gray and the former shining sun gone.

More raindrops came and it suddenly poured down with rain.

"Typical." I mumbled to myself and packed the last of my things down in my backpack before trying to hurry down the bleachers.

If I soon didn't get under cover, my homework and books would be totally ruined by the rain.

When I finally got down from the bleachers I started running, but fell backwards, having stumbled in the mud.

"Whoa!" I shrieked when falling, closing my eyes and waited for the wet and muddy impact.

A hand caught my arm and stopped me from getting all dirty.

"You okay?" A manly voice asked.

I looked shocked up at him from behind the curtain of my frizzy red hair.

"Malfoy?" I asked, as I couldn't see clearly, because of my hair was in the way.

He stood with his robes on, holding tightly onto a black and simple, but expensive looking umbrella.

You could see his rich and snobby attitude by just looking at his face.

"Mari?" He pulled me out of my trance, making me notice that I was staring at him.

"Mm?" I replied and looked at him, first now noticing his hand still holding onto me.

"Want to walk back together?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Ehm, sure." I replied.

He held his umbrella out, still covering himself, but so I also got covered.

We walked in silence for a bit, no one daring to say a word.

"Qudditch." Malfoy suddenly erupted, breaking the awkward ice betweens us.

"What?" I asked.

"Slytherin will win this year, because Potter won't catch the snitch." He confidently erupted.

"And why do you think that is?" I asked, taking it as a insult.

"Cause I'm the seeker, duh." He replied smirking.

"My brother could catch the snitch in his sleep, so don't come to me and cry when you don't win." I defended smirking back at him.

"Okay how about, if the Slytherin Qudditch team loses the game, I will carry your books for a week. And if the Gryfindors lose.." He trailed off, looking like he was thinking deeply.

"You have to kiss me." He finished smirking.

I looked at him weirdly, but shook his hand and replied: "Deal."


Let's just say Draco got his kiss..

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