Fred Weasley [E]

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So for all of you who want a slightly dirty chapter, enjoy!

You were walking down the hall on your way to the library when you rounded a corner and got pulled into a closet.

"What the he-" you trailed off.

In the little light of the closet, you saw Fred grinning at you.

"Hello y/n," Fred spoke with enthusiasm, putting his hands down in the pockets of his pants. The little yellow-ish light flickered for a bit until it fully illuminated the tiny space of the closet. Taken aback by the whole situation, you scrunched your nose and furrowed your eyebrows.

"Um, hello. Why are we in a closet?" You asked nervously, noticing how close you two actually were to each other.

"I thought you liked being near me," he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your back.
You blushed not knowing what to do and tried backing away from him but failed due to your back hitting the wall. His slow and steady breath fanned down your neck, making your heartbeat rise dramatically. He smirked to himself, noticing your awkwardness.

You peeked up only to meet his caramel brown eyes. When your gazes locked, he smiled genuinely before looking to the side, the smile not disappearing from his lips. Fred, though, quickly retracted his gaze and began once again staring at the features of your face, his eyes slightly gleaming in the poor light.

Your breath had in the meantime become uncontrollable on account of the fact that you stood pressed up against each other. You were only able to form a single sentence as it seemed your mind had a blackout. "What are you doing?"

Fred, rather frivolously, answered you, placing his palm on the wall beside you, leaning up against it as he continued to glance at your face.
"Just enjoying the view."

A smack echoed the little room followed by an "Aw, what did you do that for?"

Not answering him, you turned to leave the closet, though, you were stopped before you even reached the door. Fred had placed himself in front of the door, guarding it, so you wouldn't be able to pass through.

"Please listen to me," he almost begged. A heavy sigh fell from your lips and you blankly stared at his face as to say that you were listening.

Wanting to not waste his chance, Fred quickly grabbed both of your hands and intertwined your fingers together. Your heart began once again beating furiously fast.

Your eyes hurriedly darted to the ground, finding it too much to look at Fred right at the moment.

"Y/n, please look at me."

Disobeying his wish, you continued to look away. Fred ignored it and gently put his hand under your chin, pushing your head up, so your eyes met. Silence occupied the room as the only thing that could be heard were the two of you's breathing.

"Can I kiss you?"

Blinking rapidly, you half confused, half shocked stared back at him as he slowly bit his lips in anticipation.

You liked Fred a lot, and the fact that he wanted to kiss you overwhelmed you completely. Nodding slowly, you saw him let out a sigh, probably due to nervousness before he leaned in to lightly press his lips against yours. It was just something as simple as a chaste kiss, but warmth spread from where his lips touched yours to the rest of your body.

Fred and you chuckled after retreating from the kiss. A faint tint of red found its way to your cheeks, and you once again darted your eyes to the floor. Fred sweetly cupped his right hand on your right cheek and pressed his head to yours, so your lips slightly touched.

"You're so cute," he muttered under his breath, smirking as he saw his near presence made you flustered. You bit your lip and looked him in the eyes as he smiled teasingly down at you, his teeth showing a bit since he smiled widely.

"God I love you," he whispered mostly to himself as he stared at your lips, which you were biting onto being the bit of an awkward person, you were.

You couldn't take it anymore, so you reached up to fill the little space and kissed him. He instantly responded, your lips attaching to each other. He steadily pulled you closer, so there was so little space between you as possible. Your hands found his hair, having you run your fingers through it. You couldn't stop smiling when you suddenly remembered that you were actually kissing Fred.

Fred's tongue suddenly ran over your bottom lip asking for entrance, while you teased him by keeping your mouth shut.

Pushing you forward, so your back hit the wall, he pressed his body up against yours as his hands ran up and down your back and ended down by your lower back, making you moan.

While his tongue slipped into your mouth, the door to the closet opened, making the both of you part and each retract quickly to a corner of the closet, seeing a white beard, long red-ish robe and half round glasses.


He was smiling a wide and bright smile, while you awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do, when he suddenly spoke up, cutting out the silence.

"I will leave you two be. Oh, and I will await your son's arrival to Hogwarts in some years," he told the two teenagers, winked smugly and closed the door slowly.

You both looked at each other and sank down to the floor, both very embarrassed.

"So a son, huh?" Fred asked teasingly, breaking the silence.

"Shut up Fred!"


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