》Fred Weasley x Ella《

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I walked briskly out of my last class, that had been Potions. It was awful, since I hated Snape and he hated me since I'm a Gryffindor.

"Don't think about him, look forward to dinner." My mind told me.

I heard my stomach growl and decided to move faster, since I was in desperate need of food.

I turned a corner and stumbled into the twins who both were grinning and whispering things to each other.

They looked at me, so I looked at them. They smiled innocently at me, both having their hands in their robe pockets.

"What have you guys done now?" I asked sighing, my right eyebrow perked up, while I had folded my arms.

"Not done, about to do." Fred said and smirked.

George hit him on the shoulder and Fred gave him a look.

"What did you do that for?!" Fred asked, rubbing his shoulder with his hand.

"Dude, it was a secret! Just because you like Ella doesen't mean you can tell her our plan." George said and folded his arms.

"I don't like her!" Fred angrily and embarrassed stated, pointing his finger at George's face.

"Ehm, guys? I'm still here." I said awkwardly and waved my right hand in their faces.

They both looked startled at me and began fiddling with their clothes and mumbling un-understandable words.

A painfully and embarrassing silence filled the hall, that now was ever so quiet.

"So the prank?" I asked, interrupting the silence, clapping my hands together.

"Guess we should tell her." George said and held a piece of paper out to me.

"What is this?" I asked and looked at the paper, that was folded together and written over it stood: "Maurauder's map."

"A map over the whole school. It shows where people are over the whole castle day and night." Fred explained, folded the paper out and placed the tip of his wand on it.

"I solemly swear that I'm up to no good." He said and the paper turned into a map, showing us the whole school and everyone in the castle.

"Wow." I breathed out.

They looked at each other and grinned.

"Okay, this is Filch and he is near the astronomy tower, so we are headed that way now!" George said and pointed on the nametag with "Filch" written on it.

"Mischief managed." Fred said and stuck the map in his robe pocket.

He took a hold on my hand and began running, George following right behind us.

I blushed and looked at our intertwined fingers.
It apparently didn't bother him as we ran through the castle.

George overtook us and stopped up suddenly, hiding himself behind a corner.

He made the *shush* sign with his fingers and looked over the edge of the wall we were hiding behind.

"Okay, ready?" George asked us, grinning widely.

"Yep." Fred replied.

I didn't say anything. The twins both looked at me and I sighed.

"As ready as I will ever be." I smiled weakly and they smiled excitedly back.

George, Fred and I stuck our heads out from the corner and looked at Filch, that was walking with Mrs. Norris down the hall towards us.

George stuck his wand out, holding onto it tightly and muttered: "Cantis."
(Spell that makes you sing)

Filch began to sing loudly and it made students turn their heads at him.

Mrs. Norris also looked at him weirdly, meowing like she was communicating to him.

We snickered behind the wall and tried holding our laughter in.

Disappointingly I couldn't.

"Youuu!" Filch sang and pointed his finger at us.

"Run!" George yelled and ran away.

Fred took a hold of my hand once again and we sprinted down the hall, trying to get away from Filch.

"In here." Fred pointed at a closet and opened the door.

We both ran into the closet and closed the door after us, breathing heavily after having been running away from Filch.

"Phew. That. Was. Close." Fred breathed out, still gasping for air.

"Yeah." I agreed and sat down.

A awkward silence filled the little closet.

"I like you." Fred suddenly said.

"Excuse me what?" I asked, not having heard what he said.

"Nothing." He smiled weakly, but looked sadly at the ground.


This took forever to make and I hope you like it Ella! I wanted it to be really detailed, since you were so kind to me!


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