George Weasley

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"Yeah?" George answered you by sticking his head inside the room, where you sat with your hands over your belly.

"I have to tell you something important." You hinted, making him give you a confused look.

"Please." You begged, now having him sit down before you.

You quickly grabbed his hands and began softly rubbing them.

"You wanted to tell me something?" George pushed into the conversation, having his curiosity reach the top.

You took in a deep breath before continuing in what could change both of your lives forever.

"I'm pregnant George." You stated to him.

George didn't react at all. He sat completely still on the couch, staring out into God knows where.

"George?" You pestered, wanting to know what he felt about this. It was a huge thing to take in, but you thought George wouldn't react like this.

"Is it mine?" He whispered with his head pointed to the floor, his eyes looking at it too.

"No. It's your brother's." You teased, making him shoot out off his seat on the couch, appearently not having heard your teasing tone.

"I'm going to kill him." George erupted angrily.

You hurriedly grabbed his arm, so he would stop up, before your joke would make someone become seriously injured.

"It was a joke George! Of course it's yours." You rapidly stated, him sighing to your statement.

"So it's mine?" He asked slowly with a wide grin playing on his face.

"I'm not really sure. It could be Percy's, Bill's, Charlie's or Ro-"

"You talk to much." He smiled as he shut you up with a kiss.

"I'm hurt Y/n. I didn't think you would be so set on yelling out loud, that you don't want my baby." Fred's voice boomed from the front door.

"Shut up Fred!" You and George yelled at him.

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