》George Weasley x Jay《

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Heavy footsteps interrupted your homework making as they stopped just before you, giving your attention to the person in front of you which was George Weasley, a Gryffindor like yourself and also your best friend.

It was first now you noticed his red cheeks, swollen bags under his eyes, and the tears that continued to run down his red-ish cheeks.

"George what happened?" You asked him as you pushed yourself up from one of the armchairs in the common room, quickly dragging him into a bear hug while you waited for him to speak.

The silence between you lasted a minute before he broke down in your arms, his arms snaking around you also.

Gladly no one was in the common room to see the Gryffindor beater's state.

"Sh-ee-e, she-e che-eate-ed o-on me-ee," he replied shakingly, answering to your hug by burying his head in your neck, making your breath hitch for a second at this closeness.

You groaned internally, since you had known how Angelina Johnson, who was George's girlfriend, which you didn't approve of, cheated on him with his brother Fred and lots of other guys, who didn't even know the relationship between George and Angelina, because Johnson thought it would be fun to keep the relationship a secret to others.

It was actually just a way for her to hook up with every guy around her.

"I'm going to kill her, then use the sorcerer stone to make her alive, and then kill her again," you swore to him.

You could perfectly feel his breath on your skin, having you suddenly moan quietly from his touch.

Your eyes widened when you felt him stop crying and move his head out from you, looking at you weirdly as you shocked by your own reaction stood still, waiting for him to react.

"What was that?" He questioned with a confused look on his face, wanting to know why such a sound came out of your mouth.

"I-I don't know," you hesitated, your mind going in a frenzy, knowing George knew exactly what came out your mouth.

"Jay?" He spoke, coming closer to you, making you slowly walk backwards with him backing you up in a corner, trapping you, so you couldn't avoid his next question.

"Do you like me?" He asked simply, only standing a few centimetres from you as he leant in, so your breath met each others.

You couldn't get any words out, not being able to utter just one tiny word as yes or no, afraid this would end your friendship.

"Do you?" He pestered again, making you slowly and insecurely nod as an answer to his question.

"You like me?" He asked, like more of a statement to himself while he looked down for about five second before he stared you deeply in your eyes.

He smiled innocently before he muttered out words which would have made you faint if it wasn't for his lips on yours the second after he had said it.

"I like you too," his cheeky voice rang in your ears.


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