》George Weasley《

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The pain was unbearable. It hurted so much that I couldn'tget myself to stand up.


We were playing quidditch, me flying with the quaffle under my arm, ready to score another ten points.

I was just training with my team, the Gryffindors and suddenly a bludger come out of nowhere, making its way towards me, so it would be hitting me right in my face, if I didn't move now.

I jerked to the left, lost control over my broom and landed on the grass, hearing a loud crack from my leg.

Tears began running down my cheeks, soaking my already damp hair from all the sweat from the training.

People began surrounding me, lifting me up which I hissed of pain at.

I was laying on a hospital bed, sulking over having a broken leg. Now I couldn't play qudditch for the rest of the year!

I heard footsteps nearing my bed, so I dried my face with the end of my shirt and prepared for some sympathy speeches.

Instead George came into the room, looking really sad and depressed.

"I'm sorry Y/n.." he said, looking me right in the eyes.

"For what?" I asked confused that he was apologizing.

"For sending that bludger right at you. I'm so so sorry, because I really like you and I feel so bad that you can't play qudditch, because of me." He cried out.

I looked at him with a shocked expression, that then turned to a angry one.

"You broke my leg!?" I yelled.

He nodded to my question, looking down onto the floor.

I sat myself up and punched him on his shoulder.

"This is for breaking my leg-"

"And this is for telling me the truth and for liking me." I said, grabbing the collar of his shirt with both of my hands, dragging him closer and kissed him.

He instantly responded and kissed back.

Now after school would end every day, George would visit me and we would make out a hour or two..

Dedicated to Astrid from: "How to train your dragon."
Since she is what inspired this imagine.

Sorry that I'm not writing much, but I have been writing on my new story "Denies" that is about Fred and Ivanna!

Please check it out and bye!

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