Fred Weasley

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For Iva.

These are some important things you need to know so you don't get confused:

Iva = nickname
Ivanna = first name
Jenkins = mother's last name
Never knew her father.



I was walking back to the Gryffindor common room, already wishing to sit on my bed and read. I actually can't believe the sorting hat putted me in Gryffindor. I'm not brave, I'm just shy, little, dark haired, bookworm, Ivanna Jenkins.

When I finally got to my dorm, I plopped myself down on my bed, looked up onto the ceiling and imagined the stars blinking down at me.

I've always loved the big dog (star picture, or what you call it) the most. In Latin it's called Sirius.

I heard something tap the window beside my bed. The sound repeated itself. I sat up, swaying my legs to the side and opened up the window.

A black, beautiful owl flew in and landed on my closet. I walked over to it and reached my hand out to it. It gave a "squeak" and dropped a letter into my hand. I petted it, gave it a sickle and it flew out off the window, disappearing into the forbidden forest.

I looked back down at the letter, that was sealed shut.

To miss Ivanna Jenkins.

Was this a prank from the Slytherins? They have done it before, so? I'm not that social so I don't really have any friends, nor anyone standing up to me.

I opened the letter, too curious to just sit there staring at it. No confetti came out, like it did last time. I internally sighed. After taking deep breaths, I pulled the note inside the letter out and began reading.

"Dear Ivanna. I know this is coming as a shock, but I'm your father. I know you surely are mad at me, but I never knew your mother was pregnant, therefore I've first contacted you now. I, myself can't believe I have a 16 year old daughter. I want to meet you and talk to you. Can you meet me at Grimmauld place when the winter vacation starts?

Your dearest father.
Sirius Black"

Sirius Black? He is my father! The murderer from Azkaban!

I know that he probably didn't murder anyone, but who knows and he wants to meet me?!!

I re-readed the note multiple times. I still couldn't believe it. I have a father...
Why did mom never tell me?

That night ended with me thinking about the letter over and over.

Back to the future - lol that's a movie..:D

The winter vacation finally came. I had packed my things days before we had to leave Hogwarts, so I only waited for the departure.

Nobody noticed me as always, as I walked down the hall of the train, trying to find a compartment for myself.

I found one in the end of the train. I opened the swingdoor, by turning it to the side and muttered "Wingardiom Leviosa," so my backs flew up and landed on the racks.

I plopped myself down on a seat and looked out the window. Hogwarts shrinking in the distance. I sighed again. It was now a thing I did many times a day. I've catched myself multiple times sighing and before I knew it I found myself dreaming off into the landscape.

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