Ron Weasley (2)

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"You're what!?" Ron yelled, shock written all over his face, as he stared disbelievingly at you, surely wanting it to be true, but had stopped hoping for a child to be his.

"I'm pregnant Ron," you whispered again, looking away from him, as you told him the news, not strong enough to look at his facial expression.

You felt his strong gaze on you, while you looked away, wanting nothing more than to hear him say something like; "We're going to have a baby? I'm so glad!" And then hug the life out of each other, but was greeted with completely silence.

"You don't want it?" You asked confused, biting your lip hard, tasting the flavour of your blood on your tongue, but didn't care.

Ron got out off his trance and quickly answered your before you could say, "lemon drops."

"No, of course I want it! I love you, why would you think that?" He asked back and hugged me tightly into him.

"I just thought that-" you trailed of, not being able to finish your sentence.

You suddenly felt lips on your own and Ron's hands caressing your sides and back while yours were in his hair, as you kissed happily and lovely.

"I love you Y/n," Ron whispered when you parted, foreheads touching.

"I love you too," you whispered back to him. He smiled at your words, took your hand and connected it with his.

"Why don't we celebrate this," Ron whispered in your ear while smirking.

"Ron, wha-whoa," you trailed of when he lifted you up and carried you to your bedroom.


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