Fred Weasley (2)

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For Iva


We all got startled when Molly ran into the hall.

"How many times have I told you boys not to apparate, because you can?!" She yelled at the twins.

They shrugged it off, leaving Molly's angry gaze and stared at me once again, along with the man with dark long hair, like mine.

As I stood there, I couldn't get myself to do anything. Why, why was I shy..?
I shook it off and held my hand out for someone to shake it.

"Ivanna Jenkins, but just call me Iva, pleasure to meet you!" I smiled.

The man with long dark hair took my hand in his and shook it.
He studied me once again and I just stared back.

"Kreacher!" He yelled.

A thin, dirty house elf wobbled into the hall, glared at the gingers while walking over to the blackhaired man.

The house elf looked up at me and smiled evily.

"Miss Black has finally reunited the Black household." He spoke.

It sounded so weird when the elf talked. It made me get chills down my spine.

"Kreacher! Take the luggage to her room. Out!" The man with black hair said.

The elf, called Kreacher huffed and took my things with him.

"I'm terrible sorry, but Kreacher was raised by her," he pointed to the painting, "and she only liked Purebloods." He trailed off.

"Come on, Fred, George, you have some errands to do, and staring down Ivanna isn't one..." Molly broke the silence that had been their for half a minute.

They left groaning and the awkward silence came again.

"You look just like your mother.." He said. I smiled at him.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He scratched the back of his neck and replied: "Sirius, Sirius Black."

I stood still, a bit shocked from the sudden change.

"You-ur my-y father?" I asked him, trembling.

I had apparently forgot to prepare myself for this. I was too exited to meet my dad, that I didn't realise, that I was going to meet my dad..

He nodded.

"Let me show you your room." He simply said, already climbing the stairs.
I followed behind him, looking around the house.

It was old, dull and needed a lot of cleaning.
We had walked up the stairs for a eternity now. Sirius suddenly turned left, walked down a corridor and stopped outside the last door.

"This is your room." He trailed off.

I opened the door to be surrounded by pink. Pink walls, rainbows, unicorns..

"Eh, I didn't know what you liked, so I searched the muggle side Go-ogle and I followed the instructions of what a girl liked, It showed me this.."

I blinked, trying to contain my laughter.

"Do you not like it? I could re-do it, or you could yourse-"

"It's fine dad." I turned around and hugged him.
He was taking aback, but hugged me back, while carresing my hair.

"Dinner should be ready soon. You can take a nap, so you won't be tired." He said, relishing me from his grip.

I nodded and sat down on my bed, which was covered with One Direction.

"Don't get too snugly with those guys." He trailed off.

I gave him a look.

"I'm looking after you!" He said to the bed cover, making the sign with two fingers, that he looked after them.

I shook my head, laughing and he closed the door.

What a interesting day...

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"I'm awake! I'm awake!" I yelled.

"We finally got her up." A girly voice said.

"Yes, and she would have been fine by being woken up calmly, not by shaking her awake!" Another girly voice said.

I rubbed my eyes a little and looked up at the two persons. A girl with ginger hair and a girl with bushy light brown hair stood before me.

"Hello.." I said, breaking the fight they just had.
They both looked at me. One of them cleared their throat.

"There's dinner." The bushyhaired one said.

I nodded and got up from the bed.

"Did Sirius put a bomb with pink and frilly things inside the room, and made it explode?" The gingerhaired snickered.

"I think it's cute, since he was all hectic to get the room finished before today." The bushyhaired one replied.

I coughed, getting their attention again.

"You are, if I may ask?" I asked them.

"Hermione Granger." The bushy one said.
"And that Ginny Weasley." She finished, pointing to the ginger.

"Ivanna Jenkins, but call me Iva." I replied.

I'm seriously thinking of making it a book.. Do you think I should? I love writing it and it's funny, cause she is going to denie Fred for a long time..😄

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