Fred Weasley [E]

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"Thanks for having me here, Mrs. Weasley."

"Well, I couldn't not invite you to Christmas," Mrs. Weasley smiled weakly, as she let you inside the Burrow, the smell of home making its way into your nose.

"Oh, and just call me Molly, dear," she told you with a small smile before leaving to the kitchen, knowing you could find the ways around the house, since you've been here several times.

Fred and you have been going out for almost a year. Actually your one year anniversary was in the winter holdiday, but you 'claimed' to have plans with your own family, so that you weren't able to spend the holiday together.

You were going to surprise him by showing up at the Burrow with the present, you had bought for him. It wasn't anything special, only some prank stuff from Zonko's Joke Shop and a few candies from Honeydukes.

"Do you want some tea?" Molly's voice echoed from the kitchen, having you turn around and shake your head at her.
"Some water would be fine."

Nodding, she once again walked out into the kitchen, opening up for the tap as water slowly began to fill the glass that she had pulled out from the cupboard.

While mrs. Weasley stood in the kitchen, you made your way to the staircase, climbing up the stairs in an unhurried tempo.

Your left hand was helping your feet with the climbing by dragging your body with you as you pulled yourself up the stairs. Your right hand was holding the present in a tight grip, careful not to drop it.

You had almost made it up the stairs to Fred and George's room, when you heard almost silent moans, making you stop gracefully climbing the staircase, eyes wide from the sudden sounds coming from upstairs.

You could feel yourself hold your breath as you quietly made your way to the door. The sounds were getting louder and louder for each step you took. Peaking in you wished you hadn't, when you saw the scene in front of you happening.

"What about y/n, Fred?" Angelina asked simply, arching her neck, so Fred could lay kisses down it.

You were standing just outside of his room, too shocked to move and too confused to comprehend, what the Godric Gryffindor was happening. You saw, how he gently caressed her cheek, smirking at her before leaning in and pecking her lips.

"Nothing, you know that," he combed his fingers through her dark hair, making her smile at the skin ship, while he still trailed kisses up and down her neck.

Your hand quickly flew to your mouth to cover your sobs as tears slowly made their way down your now flushed cheeks. You accidentally dropped the present for Fred, creating a hell of a lot of noise, getting the attention from them both on you.

"Y/n!?" Fred shocked stared at you, hurriedly moving himself away from Angelina, who covered herself with a blanket, seeing as she didn't have a shirt on.

"Surprise?" You awkwardly slightly waved with both of your hands. After having dried your tears away with the sleeve of your sweater, you let to hang by your side.

"What are you doing here?" Johnson exclaimed clearly irritated at your arrival.

"How funny, shouldn't I be the one to ask that question?" You wittily remarked back before raising your hand to your mouth. *cough* "Hoe." *Cough*

"I-I didn't know you would be here," Fred rubbed the back of his neck, glancing on to the floor briefly until he looked up at you.

"And I didn't know, you would cheat on me. Guess that makes us equally confused," you pointed out before pointing behind you.
I'm just gonna..... Take off. Enjoy yourselves! Oh, and Fred, here you go. Happy first and last anniversary."

You had picked up the box and intentionally aimed it as his head, throwing it at him and leaving the room.

As you ran down the stairs, you heard footsteps and shouting behind you. You ran through the living room, leaving a bewildered Arthur Weasley in his chair, where he sat reading the newspaper. The sudden commotion had made Molly walk into the living room, watching Fred chase after you as you ran away from him with tears brimming in your eyes.

You grabbed the doorhandle, throwing the door open, smacking it closed after you with all your power, trying to get rid of Fred.

Molly had wanted to follow after you, but her husband had stopped her by gently grabbing her hand. "I think, they should figure this out by themselves."

She nodded, but couldn't help but wonder, what had happened, since you were crying. She was staring out the window, seeing Fred catch up to you and putting you into his embrace. She noticed how she was holding her own breath while watching the scene unfold. Arthur was right beside her, also looking at the young couple.

"Y/n, please hear me out!"

"Go away, I don't want to see you!" You confirmed, hurriedly searching for your wand in your pocket, grabbing a hold of it as you wanted to apparate away from the Burrow.

You abruptly stopped up, turning around, so you faced him. Your wand was pointed at his face, making him put his hands up to his head in surrender.

"Touch me, I dare you!" You yelled, ready to curse him to to Azkaban.

"Please just listen to me," he insisted, nodding at your wand to put it down, which you ignored.

"Give me a reason as to why I should let you explain," you spoke harshly, continuing to aim your wand at him.

"Because I love you."

You shook your head with laughter as tears once again formed in your eyes. A snort escaped your mouth.
"You lost the right to say that, when you cheated on me."

Before you could apparate away, your body was pulled into his grasp. You struggled against Fred's arms to get free, but his arms were like a lock around your waist.

"Y/n, please don't leave me, I don't know, why I did that. I promise, it'll never happen again. I can't live without you," he whispered in your ear as his right hand traveled to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer to him. He placed his lips on your soft ones, slowly and sweetly kissing you as his hand threaded through your hair. You quickly pushed him away, when you realised, what he was doing.  His eyes were red from the crying that he was doing.

"I love you, but I'm not letting you use me, Fred. I was apparently not satisfaction enough for you. If you can't live without me, then you should've thought about that before you cheated on me," you argued.

"We're over," you ended your statement, getting your wand that had fallen on to the ground, when he had pulled you into his arms.

The *swush* sound from apparating was the only thing you heard, while you desperately vanished from the Burrow's view.

Farewell Fred..


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