Harry Potter

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Finished! My homework is finally done, so I packed my things and left. I looked at my watch. It's almost time for dinner!

I quickly rushed to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Petite magorite." The door opened, I walked to my dorm, left my things and ran to the great hall.

I walked inside the great hall and sat down beside Cedric, who is like a brother to me. I'm in my fourth year and Cedric his sixth/seventh I don't know which year he is in?

I looked over to the Gryffindor table. Hermione and I are best friends, apart from the golden trio, so I gave her a wave and began eating the food I placed on my plate.

Cedric talked about Qudditch, me trying to keep up the best that I could.

I had it like being watched. I turned around to see Potter starring at me and glaring at Cedric.

I shook the thought out of my head of Harry Potter being jealous. And on Cedric.

After dinner I walked outside the great hall and back to the common room.

Next morning

I woke up, did my morning routine and left for breakfast. Cedric greeted me in the common room and we walked together to the great hall.

I waved to Hermione who waved back. Ron smiled slightly and Harry glared at Cedric.

After breakfast I had double potions and got a essay due to tomorrow, so I walked down the path to the black lake, sat down and began scribbling down on some paper.

Finished, I walked back and over the bridge to the castle of Hogwarts.

Someone poked my shoulder, so I turned around and before me stood Cedric, nervous.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

I nodded and followed him to a corner of the castle.

He took my hands in his and stared at them.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.

He cleared his throat and stuttered out: "I-I re-ally li-ke yo-u."

I shook the shocked look on my face away when I saw he waited for me to say something.

"Ehm.. Cedric, I like you too..." Before I could finish my sentence I heard rustling behind me. Black hair and a Gryffindor cloak ran away from it's hiding place.


I looked back up at Cedric before finishing my sentence.

"But not in that way, I'm sorry Cedric. Can we still be friends?" I asked.

He nodded and I patted his shoulder mumbling a 'thanks' and ran after Harry.

I found him near the forest, crying beside a tree.

"Harry.." I said crouching down to him.

"Leave me alone, go to your stupid boyfriend." He spat.

It hurted a little, but I remained still.

"Harry, look at me."

He didn't looked up, so I sat down in front of him and tilted his chin up.

"I don't like Cedric dummie.." I grinned.

He looked shocked, and before I could say anything, he kissed me.

I kissed back instantly. After some minutes making out I parted and we looked at each other, both blushing.

The awkward tension got worse when we didn't say anything for several minutes.

"So, you don't like Cedric?" Harry asked out bluntly.

"God, Harry some times you're more stupid than a door." I said smacking my hand on my forehead.

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