Ron Weasley

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This was it. The big day. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You loved the dress you had chosen. It was simple, yet very beautiful. Hermione and Ginny, you bridesmaids walked into the room you were in and gasped at your attire.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked nicely, smiling at you.

"Yeah, a little nervous. I just can't believe that this is my wedding day." You answered truthfully while grinning widely..

"You look so beautiful." Ginny smiled before hugging you.

"You too! Didn't know blue was your color." You pointed at their blue knee-length dresses.
They quickly bean to pose while making kissing faces, having you chuckle at your best friends.

Your dad came in and smiled at you sincerely.

"Now princess." He said a wide smile over his face.

"See you at the alter." Hermione spoke before she linked her arm with Ginny and left the little room.

You nodded and wrapped your arm around your father's before slowly walking out to the door that lead into the church.

"Ready?" Your father quiestioned, giving you hand a light squeeze.

"As ready I will ever be." You answered chuckling.
The door opened, and the music began playing. You locked eyes with the one that you were going to be with for the rest of your life. Ron Weasley.

I smiled brightly and looked around the church, but my eyes found their way to his again.

Your dad released your arm and kissed your cheek. As he took a seat at the frog you slowly and elegantly walked the last steps over to the alter before turning to face him.

He looked rather nervous, maybe more than you were, which made you chuckle lightly. He grinned and leaned into your ear
"You look stunning, can't wait to rip that dress off you tonight." He whispered grinning.

You gave him a half glare, half smile and turned to the priest, giving him a nod to start the ceremony.

"We're gathered here today, to combine these two people in the power of love." The priest began.

~skip to the I do's~

"Will you, Ronald Weasley, take
Y/n Y/l/n to your beloved wife, in sickness and in health, to death do you part?"

Ron smiled widely at you as he nodded, his face shoving true happines..

"I do." He smiled weakly before letting out a huge breath.
The priest turned to you and repeated his speech.

"Do you, Y/n Y/l/n, take Ronald Weasley to your beloved husband, in sickness and in health, to death do you part?" The priest asked.

Your eyes glanced Ron over from head to toe. You were going to be together with him for the rest of your life. You couldn't wait. Your eyes went over at Ron's and your own family. Everyone were waiting for you answer, making you grin a bit and smile at Ron, who's face was bathed with sweat.

"I do." You repeated.

Ron seemed to relax a little after you said "I do".

The priest turned to Ron.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest said.

Ron took a step closer and cupped your cheeks in his hands while you held your hand around his neck. You finally leaned in and kissed for the first time as husband and wife.

The kiss was magically, filled with love and passion.

Cheers erupted all over the church. You parted and looked over the massive crowd.

"Now we only have to get you two married!" Molly yelled pointing at the twins.

Ron and you laughed at the twins faces and walked out of the church.

When you got outside, Ron lifted you up bridestyle and carried your body over to a horse-carriage.

"Ron! Set me down!" You yelled giggling.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but that would be physically impossible." He answered grinning.

You just laughed and waved to everyone, before being placed in the carriage.

Ron sat down beside you, and you snuggled into him.

This was a unwritten chapter's beginning to your life.

This was a long one, pheew...
Hope you like it and reguest a imagines!

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