George Weasley [E]

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For Olivia-Rose


Sitting at the Hufflepuff table, you concentrated on chewing the piece of bread in your hand. This was found to be extremely difficult as one person kept distracting you.

That person being George Weasley.

If you really thought about it, there probably was not one moment your mind did not stop thinking about him somehow. It was not like you liked having an unrequited crush on him. If you could choose yourself, you would have chosen to not develop feelings for the redhead.

When you first met George, it was in your first year, his second. The now tall and handsome guy had firstly entranced you by his looks and then when you began to see more and more of him, your crush slowly began forming itself.

Your eyes kept switching between the piece of bread and George, one thing seeming more interesting than the other.
The way his bangs fell into his face and the wide grin on his lips had you smiling down at the bread. Putting your elbow on to the table, you placed your chin on your palm and glanced his way.
His eyes had wrinkled into small crescent moons, his nose flaring while he struggled to not spit the food in his mouth out as he laughed.
That is when your eyes met and time stopped.

He had once again caught you staring. It was not the first time and probably not the last either. His lips curved into a smile - though it did not reach his eyes. You retracted your arm from the table and stared down at the half-eaten piece of bread once again.

An annoying poking on your arm suddenly became noticeable and had you turning to the person beside you.

"Finally! I have been trying to come in contact with you the past few minutes!" Your best friend loudly exclaimed when you had turned her way, huffing out a breath, making her bangs rise for a short moment. "Class starts in a few minutes."

You mumbled back a "hmmmm" in confirmation and nibbled at the bread once more.

Your friend looked towards the Gryffindor table being pointed that way by seeing how your gaze kept falling upon one of the Weasley twins.

"He is not worth it, Y/n," she sighed. Seeing as you did not respond, she began packing all of your things together, slinging her own backpack on to her back when she was done.
"Come on, let us go to class and I will buy you a chocolate frog the next time we go to Hogsmeade."

You simply stared at her outstretched hand that held on to your own bag full of books, quills and parchments before gripping the handle of the bag.

Sighing deeply, you took one last look at the Gryffindor table seeing George follow your movements with his eyes. You awkwardly smiled at him then turned your back and followed your best friend.


"George, wait up!"

The redhead halted his movements right after having heard his name being called. Having walked with his twin, both brothers turned around, Fred grinning at his brother after noticing who it was.

"Looks like your admirer wants your company," he chuckled. Patting his brother on the shoulder, he tightened the grip on his bag and wished him good luck before leaving George behind.

George stood calmly in the middle of the hallway, waiting for you to reach him. Immediately after having reached him, you asked to speak in private with the well-known Gryffindor. He just nodded his head and guided you towards the wooden bridge.

Having arrived, your hands fiddled with themselves, nervousness crawling up your skin. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your self down. You had to do it. You promised your best friend and yourself you would.

"Geor- George, I- I like you," you stammered, your statement barely audible and more like a whisper.

Frowning, he glanced quickly at his shoes. You knew he did not return your feelings. You would have to be more dense than Harry to not realise that. It was that evident.

"I am sorry, but I-"

"Do not worry, I know you do not feel the same for me. You do not need to say anything, I just needed to say it, so I at least can say I tried," you hurriedly interrupted, shaking your head and hands at him.

"I will see you around, okay?" you changed the subject, lips forming into a weak smile. Seeing him nod, you waved your hand and turned your back before the tears could begin to fall.

Fall like your heart just did.




"Y/N!" Your friend slammed her hand down on to the table to get your attention, having you jump at the sudden sound. The librarian glared daggers at her making a shushing sound.

"What?" You asked shocked, putting your attention on to her.

"Please stop looking at him," she begged you.

The two of you had situated yourselves in the library, attempting to study for an upcoming quiz on magical creatures and their offspring, when the Weasley twins decided to enter the library. The irony though.

You had not been able to focus on anything else but the fact that George was in the same room as you. Therefore your research had been halted and your friend had proceeded to begin making origami with her wand.

Deciding it was enough, your friend leaned over towards you, wanting this to be the last time she had to have this talk with you.

"Y/n, I have said this 116 times and I will say it one more time. George does not deserve you. You are an amazing and outstanding person and it is honestly his fault that he did not already have a crush on you to start with. But do not let this stop you from livng your life, okay?"

You nodded hesitantly, locking eyes with her as you replied. "Thank you."

"Well, that is what I am here for. That and chocolate."

You laughed at her comment, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.

"So Hogsmeade next weekend?" You asked, placing your chin in your palm.

"You bet."


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