Chapter 3

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I unlock the front door, wondering where my mum was. I dump my bags on the kitchen table, reading the note taped to the fridge.

Dear Bella,

Ive just gone shopping love. I'll be back soon.

Lots of love, Mum.

I drum my fingers on the table, wondering what to do. A few seconds later,my phone rings in bag, and I search for it frantically, pulling it out. It was my friend Avery.  I answer shyly, worried slightly. Avery was a trouble maker, and often did things that would get her in deep deep crap.


"Bella!! Just calling to ask, im having a party tonight, you coming?"

I let out a long sigh, relieved.

"Why the sighing, missy?" She questioned, suspicious.

"Well i thought you were ringing to tell me you got arrested or something."  I  smile weakly.

"Shut up. I'll pick you in about 3 hours. Byee!" The line goes dead. I slump in the chair, shoulders drooping. Avery was a popular, bossy, and constantly in detentions, isolations and the office. She was nothing but trouble.

It was around 7 o clock when a red mini pulled up on my driveway. My mum had already left with her friends, and i stepped out onto the gravel driveway, locking the door behind me. Avery jumps out the car, running awkwardly over to me in her heels and giving me a hug. I step back, a little shocked by the action. "Oh cute outfit! How ya been sweetie?" She asks in her sickly sweet voice. I raise an eyebrow. " Its just some shorts and a lacey top. Not really an outfit, and you spoke to me three hours ago. Im highly unlikely to have developed something like pneumonia in the last three hours."

She rolls her eyes. " Just looking out for ya babe!"

I suck air through my teeth at those words.

I get in the mini, Avery cranking up the radio loudly, making me cringe. "Oh Bella, theres gonna be some boys there. Hot boys." She giggles. "And that new kid George, my god is he fit."

My stomach churns at the thought of George at that party. "G-George?" I stutter. She nods, grinning, and I look out the window, a heavy feeling in my chest. Something didnt feel right, and I knew tonight would be the last of my goody goody two shoes days.

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