Chapter 32

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"You really like to argue dont you?" Kane smiled, as we pulled up to my house.

"Just love it." I drawled sarcastically, pushing open the car door and poking my tongue out at him. "Cheers for driving me."

"No problem gorgeous." He winked.

I waved, fumbling for my house keys. Kane beeped the horn and drove off, flashing his lights. I giggled. What an idiot.

"Mum, I'm home!" I yelled happily, dropping my jacket on the floor. There was no reply. She must have gone shopping.

I jumped on the sofa, flicking on tv.


The signal was crackling, and I could only just see the picture and make out the words. I opened my phone to call a technician, and saw I had no signal whatsoever. "Fucking great." I mumbled. "No signal."

I threw myself off the sofa and opened the conservatory doors, stepping out into the cold world. Dark was falling, and stars were everywhere, like someone had knocked over a shaker of salt. A lovely scent of woodsmoke and freshly cut grass danced in the air. I decided to let go of the world for a second and take this amazing scenery in.

Something rustled in the bushes, but I just ignored it. Probably MarsBar the cat from two doors down, hunting the little mice that live in the hedges.

Suddenly I felt uneasy, I was being watched. I opened one of my eyes slightly. Nothing. The garden was still the same as it always has been. Lonely, but with a sense of romance about it.

"Ugh." I groaned as the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge. "Stupid insecurity. Cant even be happy in my own house."

I had just turned back to go in the house when I heard a twig crack behind me, followed by a chorus of dry leaves being gently stood on.

My stomach was flipping over and over. I was half expecting a wolf to leap out of the bushes and tear me to pieces. But no. Out jumps MarsBar the cat.

"You scared me to death, you mangy thing." I rolled my eyes, bending down to scratch behind his ears. "Catch any good mice?"

MarsBar mewed loudly and he wouldn't stop. He kept clawing at my jeans, trying to jump up onto my shirt.

"What is it, moggie?" I ask suspiciously, then laugh at myself. Talking to a cat.

I grabbed the door handle and was just closing it when I heard a footstep behind me. I whipped round, my hair flying.

"Hello, Bella." A deep voice growled. I tried to scream, but a hand covered my mouth and I was choking on a yell for help. Another pair of hands smothered my eyes, while two more held my hands and legs to stop me thrashing out.

"We cant hold her down, Liam. She's too strong!"

"Knock her out then."

I felt a hard thump on the back of my skull, and pain ripped through me. My head was spinning and throbbing, and I nearly puked in the stranger's hand.

"Shes still awake, boss."

"Hit her harder."

Those were the last words I heard before something hard met my skull with a tremendous force and I blacked out.

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