Chapter 22

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Bella walks behind me, her movement stiff with the cold.

"Do you want my jacket?" I stop, allowing her to catch up.

"No." She says flatly, her voice in monotone. Then, she said "Why do you hate me George?"

I didn't know what to say.

"I dont hate you." I scuffed my shoe along the gravel. "I just have a funny way of showing my tolerance."

"But why would you want to hurt me? You nearly slit my throat earlier. Do I really make you that angry?"

I couldnt answer; my voice was stuck behind the lump of guilt that was lodged in my windpipe.

I didnt want to kill Bella, in fact I wanted her alive so badly it ached.

"I can't control myself Bella." I managed to choke out. "And you need to be safe, innocent."

She stared at me as we walked, my wet hair dangling down in strands past my face.

"I dont understand.." She said, reaching towards me. I flinched away.

"It means you can't be with me anymore. All I'll do is hurt you and that's the last thing I want. You won't see me again." I carried on, closing my eyes. This was starting to sound like something off Twilight.

"What?" She gasped.

I spun round, pushing her into a tree, my hands either side of her head, my breathing hard and fast. "Im bad." I whispered. "Dangerous. A killer. Criminal records."

Bella looked into my eyes. I hated it when she did that! It made me feel all weak and gooey, like everything I had done was a good thing, even though it was bad bad bad.

"So?" She swallowed.

"I could kill you here and now." I grinned mockingly.

"Please dont." She whimpered.

"I won't, im just telling you I could if I wanted to. I could do it anyone. The next person to turn that corner could be dead the moment they come within my view line. Do you see now Bella? Do you see?"

I was absolutely fuming at how she took this all so lightly. She wasnt trembling with fear like I had expected. Which was good in a way because I didnt want her to be scared, but it was also bad because it made me feel weak with the fact my brutal nature didnt phase her like it had so many of the people I'd killed.

I saw a pair of dim headlights flickering in the distance, heading towards us.

Time to show Bella why she had to be afraid.

"Dont move unless you want to taste lead." I hissed into her ear, and she gulped.

"What are you going to do?"

I didnt reply, just smiled psychotically and sprinted to the large fern tree at the end of the road.

It was a motorcycle. Good, this would make it a whole lot easier.

I had 6 shots in my gun, but I only needed 2. I had a few seconds, not even that, to take this cyclist down.

I heard the roar of the engine coming closer. Bella was white in the face with terror. I crouched down, my finger resting on the trigger of my gun.

The next part happened in slow motion. I could almost see the dust particles and the water spray as the motorbike sped round the corner.

And I fired.

The bike jerked, the tyre exploding, sending rubber flying into the air.

The rider was tossed over the handlebars with ease, his body skidding and sliding along the road. Parts of leather off his jacket lay scattered across the tarmac while the guy bounced, the helmet screen smashing and scraping.

His bike followed behind him, the paintwork scratched right off and the seat ripped to shreds from the gravel. The bike took one last bounce, spin, and stopped a few feet from the ruined driver.

Bella was screaming, tears running down her face.

"YOU SICK BOY!" She screeched, running towards the man on the floor.

It was then that I realized what I had done. The glazy sheen over my eyes lifted and I saw the living hell unfolding before me.

The ruined bike.

The ripped up leather.

The blood.

Then I dropped my gun, and let the darkness cloud my vision until I was consumed in the darkness, and completely unconscious.

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