Chapter 29

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*Bella's P.O.V*

I ran all the way back to the cottage. I didn't look back. I was too scared that George was following me, poised to throw his knife into my neck.

"Ru- Rus-" I practically fell through the door, panting.

"You ok Bella?" Tyler asked.

"Im so screwed." I was way beyond calm. My eyes were flitting round the room like restless bees, my hands were shaking and I felt sick.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Tyler gripped my arms, shaking me until my breathing had returned to normal and my heart wasn't sounding like a congo drum.

"I got mad and I yelled at him and he wouldnt listen so I- I slapped him. Hard. Round the face."

Most people would just shake their heads and say "Violence is never the answer" but not these boys. Ohh no. Tyler looked like he had just seen a ghost, Adam (who had just walked through the door, shortly followed by John and Russell) looked like he was going to puke everywhere.

"Bella you need to leave here, okay?" John said. The concern was clear in his voice, even though he was trying his best to hide it.

"What, leave the house, or?"

"No, you need to leave town. Give George a few days to chill out. We'll talk to him. Russell, Adam, go collect his guns and knives and stuff. We cant risk him keeping any."

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Tyler hissed, tightening his grip on my arms.

"Isn't this a slight overreaction here?"

"No. Right, put it like this. If you were just another one of George's slags-"

"Hey! Offensive!"

"Shut up and let me finish. If you were a girl that he had lead on and he was using you, and you slapped him, he'd probably knock you out and gut you. But the really bad thing is here, you aren't one of the girls he uses. You arent one of his one-night-stand ladies. He actually loves you, and that's what makes this so much worse for both of you. He'll be torn between loving you and ripping you to shreds because he's an intolerant jackass. He'll get so confused that he will start self harming, and burning things and he will have this desire to kill everyone you look at. Because if he cant have you Bella.. No one can."

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