Chapter 47

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*2 months later*

"You're getting big." Ivan pointed out as I slouched on his sofa, and I threw a pillow at his face.

"And you're getting annoying." I snapped. "What's your point?"

"I live here." He smiled, ruffling my hair. "You've been staying an awful long time... and baby Shelley in there is growing fast. You need to tell him." Ivan said seriously, putting down his cup of early morning coffee.

"I cant." I twiddled a lock of my hair round my slim fingers, distracted by the tv. "I dont know what to say! 'Hi George, I know I havent seen you in ages but guess what, I'm pregnant and you're the father ok?' It doesnt work like that."

"No." Ivan frowned, gently pushing me to make room for him. I layed my head on his lap, sighing.

"I want to tell him, Ivan, but I really cant. We're not together anymore! I cant just expect him to jump back into my life because his baby is growing inside me, he's not ready."

"Believe me, hes ready." Ivan patted my forehead soothingly. "I went to see him the other day."

"You said you went shopping, you lying little asshat!" I poked him, laughing at his fake pout.

"He's a wreck." Ivan ran his fingers through his gelled up spikes which were now a deep black (Jasey had to force him). "He really needs to talk to you."

"So you think after months of avoiding each other, its ok to spring the fact that I'm knocked up on him?"

"Yes." Ivan handed me the phone, dialing my house number. I put the receiver to my ear, chewing nervously on a hang-nail. The phone kept ringing, ringing, ringing, until I heard it click on, and a sad voice echo down the phone.


"George, hi." I mumbled, looking at Ivan for support. He nodded reassuringly.

"Bella." He gasped, sounding shocked and happy and overwhelmed at the same time.

"Look, listen, there's some news." I stuttered, desperate to get it over with. "So, Jasey took me to the doctor yesterday... and, um..."

George waited so patiently I could almost hear him throbbing with anticipation.

"I cant do it." I whispered to Ivan, pushing the phone into his hand.

"Yes you can." He hissed, putting the phone to my ear once more.

I gulped, suddenly sweaty and flushed. "I'm.. I'm.." I choked out, waiting for him to tell me to spit it out. "I'm pregnant."

All was frustratingly silent on the other end of the phone. "George?" I whimpered quietly, afraid he had hung up.

"I heard you." A small voice whispered back. "Since when?"

"2 months? Maybe a little shorter?"

"And you didnt tell me?"

"No. I was afraid you'd leave."

George sighed, and I knew he was doing what he always did when he got frustrated. I could tell he was wringing his hands and twisting his fingers into impossible shapes.

"I'm not going anywhere." He stated bluntly, before hanging up.

"Asshole." I muttered, throwing the phone across the room and listening to the back fall off. Ivan winced as it bounced off the floorboards.

"What did he say?" He asked, bending down to retrieve the shattered parts of the phone.

"He said he wouldnt leave, then hung up."

A loud knock at the door interrupted our conversation, and Jasey hopped out from the kitchen to open it. "Oh." She growled. "It's you."

George just mumbled something in return and stepped into the house, his eyes on me as I tensed up against Ivan's body.

"Hey." He said softly, flipping his honey brown curls aside and staring at me with his beautiful eyes. I nodded my 'hello' with a sharp jerk of my head and grabbed Ivan's shirt.

George groaned, tipping his head back and shoving his hands in his pockets. "You've got to speak to me sometime." He shrugged. "I mean, you are expecting our child."

"Dont you dare use my baby against me." I shot, glaring daggers. George looked kind of hurt, but smug at the same time.

"Its our baby, Bella. Now please, can we just talk?"

Ivan stood up, but I held his arm in fear. Why was I scared? George had never layed a harmful finger on me. He had changed so much from the immature, angry 19 year old to a calm, easy to control 21 year old dad-to-be.

George smirked, as if reading my mind. Ivan looked at me, knowing all too well that George wouldnt ever hurt me physically.

"Ok." I grumbled, watching Ivan wink at me as he left the room and went into the kitchen with Jasey.

George chewed the collar of his brown leather jacket, looking around the room.

"So." He coughed awkwardly. "How are you?"

"Pregnant." I retorted, still itching with the want to scream at him.

George nodded, stunned back into silence. Eventually he broke the silence by very carefully taking a step towards me like one would approach a wounded animal on the street.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His voice cracked a little as he spoke, and it sounded like he was about to cry.

"Didn't want to. Thought maybe you'd run off and get yourself another little jumped up tart."

I saw him reel back at my stinging words as they stabbed at him. Good.

"Okay, Bella. I see you're not going to talk to me at all, and I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. The stuff I did was wrong and I regret doing it, I've never felt the way about anyone else that I do about you. I've fucked up. Really bad. And you dont have to forgive me, ever, but I just want you to know I really care about you. I swear to god I wish this had gone differently, maybe we'd be happy now but... I ruined it. And I'm so sorry."

I shrugged, knowing it was just one of his apologies that had a hollow meaning, but something about this one bugged me. I could feel the truth and the love he put into that apology flowing around me.

George was obviously expecting me to shout something, and when I didnt, he took the opportunity to squeeze one last thing in.

"Can I at least ask you to do one last thing?" He asked shyly, edging closer. I didnt respond, just shrugged again.

"Kiss me." He said softly, his eyes pleading. I was shocked, and it took me a minute to slip out a small and quiet reply.

"Okay." I held my hand out and wiggled my fingers, inviting him in. George smiled weakly, twisting his face to the side so I could kiss his cheek.

I was sick of this fighting, I was tired of him not being here. I missed his lovely smell, the way his jaw curved perfectly and the waves of curls tumbling from his head.

Suddenly, I was overwhelmed by this feeling of love, and heartache. "Look at me." I whispered, and the minute he turned his head to look at me, I crashed our lips together.

He held back at first, unsure how this all fitted together, but I kept lightly moving my lips against his until his hand found my waist, the other on my face. He smiled as we kissed, his dimples plastered on his face. I felt magical and powerful when George made a moaning noise in the back of his throat. He always did that when he was blissfully kissing, so I knew I was doing something right.

I pulled away first, biting my lip gently as I cupped his beautiful face in my hands. "I missed you." I whispered, and he smiled.

"I missed you too." He kissed the tip of my nose.

"Can we stop fighting?" I begged, looping his fingers through mine.

"I dont know, can you stop being so god damn beautiful yet stubborn?" He chuckled, and I playfully stamped on his feet.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He pouted, and I pondered for a sec.


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