Chapter 7

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~George's P.O.V~

After John sent me away, I walked right out.

I could still hear the beats pumping, and I clenched my fists in my pockets. Typical. Just like everyone else. Send the druggie murderer away because no one wanted him. And I don't need anyone. I can last by myself.

I heard heavy footsteps coming up behind me, and I automatically reached for my gun, ripping it out my pocket and aiming it at the person behind me.

"Calm down G, it's just us." Russel said, raising his hands in a surrender. I scowl, tucking my gun back into my jeans and glaring at them all. A cold breeze picks up, and I shiver slightly, pulling my hoodie further up my arms.

"Hey G." John says. "What was with the Bella thing earlier? Why'd you aim the gun at her?"

I stared at the ground, shuffling my feet and kicking a stone. "I dont know." I said huskily, my hair blowing into my eyes, making them water.

"You liiike her." Adam teases.

"Yeah, that's why he was one breath away from shooting her." John smacked him round the head.

"Can you shut it?" I snapped. "Im still here you know. I can hear every word you're saying."

"Yeah buddy, we know, we're not bloody retarded." Adam rolls his eyes and smirks at you.

"I didn't mean to whip the gun out at her, I guess I just wasnt thinking properly."

"Yeah no shit." Tyler said, offering me a ciggie. I flick on the lighter, angry at everyone for no reason.

"You really need to stop brandishing that gun at people G." Russel says.

"It's scaring people."

"It gives me power." I grin, thinking of all the innocent people I've shot in the past. "The look on their faces when I pulled that gun out my pocket and let rip of those bullets."

"Thats not power." John said. "Thats lunacy. And murder."

"Dont start acting all wimpy. You've killed before. We all have." I glance at them from underneath my hood, and they're looking me dead in the eye.

"Yes George, we killed people that deserve it."

"Liar." I snapped. "What about the time we broke into that music store, stole all the cash, then when the owner came down with his daughter and wife, while I was emptying the register, you fuckers shot them. Im not the only one in this gang that goes around shooting people. John, you shot Eric when he went to the police about us. You even shot a policeman for christ sake. Dont tell me im the murderer." my breathing is heavy after that mini rant, and it worked. None of them will look at me, and they're all fidgeting around.

The moon rose up over the trees, coating everything in a silver ghostly light. I looked towards Averys house, and someone caught my eye. It was Bella! She looked..stunning. Especially in the moonlight.

"Bella.." I breathed, and all the boys snapped their heads up to look at me. I blinked, and saw them all grinning at me.

"Ooooh, G!" Adam sniggered, and I stuck my middle finger up at him. He got the message pretty fast.

"She looks really pretty." I gasp.

In seconds, the boys are rolling round on the wet pavement, absolutely pissing themselves.

"What?" I spat.

"WE KNEW IT!" They hollered, and I rolled my eyes.

"Grow up. I say that when I go clubbing, at least I get laid." I shrug, taking another drag on my cigarette and blowing the grey ashes up into the clear, star filled sky.

"Well, im sort of drunk, but more sober, so I want to go clubbing." Russel said, using my jacket to pull himself off the floor, his face beetroot red from laughing. The other boys joined him, wiping their eyes. "You need to stop being so angry G." John says, bringing the conversation back to a serious level. "Well what do you expect?" I retorted. " The only girl I thought could make me happy cheated on me, I got locked up in a hospital at seven, scarring me permanently, and I've been banged up in prison more times than I can count of both my bloody hands!"

"Yeah well, you need to move on now. Your turning into all silly pathetic teenage boys, constantly angry and horny 24/7." Adam smirked.

I was hoping to punch and break his nose, but I ended up punching his jaw. Good enough. It made a satisfying crack.

"Im not horny." I scoffed, dropping my finished cigarette on the wet floor, watching the burnt end until it fizzled out. Then I looked back up. Adam was trying to put his jaw back in place, while Russel was busy texting.

"Right. Im off clubbing, coming boys?" He asked. To be honest, I didn't feel like partying tonight. I shook my head sadly.

"I just want to be at home and smoke." I said quietly. They nodded and walked off in the direction of the club. I stared at Bella as I walked the opposite way, pulling my hood up further. This side of town was full of people wanting me turned in. I peeked at her one last time before i turned the corner, then she was gone.

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