Chapter 49

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George, Russell, Ivan and Jasey all crowded round me as I nervously sat in the small waiting room.

"I'm so excited I can barely breathe," Russell gasped, staring at me with huge eyes. "A little baby oh my god."

George smiled proudly and widely, his hand rubbing my back slowly. Jasey was bouncing around in her seat and cracking her fingers. Ivan was silent, and clearly as nervous as I was.

"I want it to be a little boy." Jasey sighed, blowing her fringe away from her heavily outlined eyes. "I could teach him to headbang!"

"Not my son your not." George grinned, playfully nudging her.

"Or daughter." I pointed out, glaring at both of them. "I want a daughter!"

"I want a little girl to protect." Russell shrugged. "I could shoot all of her boyfriends."

"I could shoot all of you." I grumbled miserably, waiting for the nurse to just call me in so we could get it over with.

"Is Bella Davies here?" A woman with her hair neatly tied back and glasses perched on her nose beckoned me forward.


"Lets go guys." I stood up, stretching my sore back. George shot up, his breathing shallow and fast.

We all stepped into the big white room, and the lady gently pushed me down onto the bed. George tensed his fists, uncomfortable with something.

"How many months pregnant are you, dear?" The lady smiled sweetly as she lifted up my top and applied the cold gel. I winced at how cool it felt on my warm skin, and watched the kind nurse set up the scanner.

"Four months." I smiled, looking at George. He was stood right beside me, his warm hands grasping mine.

"Do you want a son or daughter, miss Davies?"

"I personally would like a daughter. I could call her Darcie."

"That's perfect! I'm nurse Winters, but you can call me Rebecca. I'll be your doctor throughout your entire pregnancy, so any worries or concerns you have, tell me. You can also have a monthly check up on the baby if you wish. Right, let's scan your little nudger."

I breathed out slowly, gripping George's hand. He grinned shyly, and stared at the screen as Rebecca edged the scanner over my stomach.

"Oh look! There's the baby!" Jasey screamed, pointing at the screen. Ivan clamped his hand over hermouth, and Russell clapped excitedly

"What is it, nurse Winters?" Russell begged, pouting.

"Its a beautiful, healthy baby boy."

"HAHAHA! YES! BOYS FOR THE WIN!" George hollered, running around the room and whooping at the top of his voice. Jasey and Russell grabbed each other and jumped up and down, whilst Ivan gave me a big kiss on my forehead.

"Dont worry Bells." He smirked. "I wanted you to have a girl too. But I bet this little guy is gonna grow up to be like you. Perfect and amazing and clumsy as fuck."

I pushed him playfully, grinning as excitement bubbled inside of me. A little boy, another little George.


(A/N): So i decided that Bella and George are gonna have a boy! Sorry if any of you wanted them to have a daughter, but i did ask for messages telling me what you wanted. I sorted out the votes and "boy" won, so its a little boy :P thanks for all your support guys... Dont forget to vote! I'd love for this story to become popular. Love you guuuys! c:

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