Chapter 9

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"George!!" I called out, my voice echoing through the huge empty space.

Something flapped in the trees above me, rustling the leaves and letting out a low hoot.

"George.." I said, a little quieter.

I couldnt see him at all. It didnt help the fact that the clear navy sky was now being covered by murky, thick clouds.

Within a few seconds, i could barely see my hands infront of my face. Every single rustle, snap or bird call made my head pound and i felt so scared it was unreal.

Something moved behind me, and my breathing stopped short. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on edge, and my shoulders were shaking.


I scream my highest, loudest, clearest and at the top of my lungs. George collapsed on the floor, trying to hide his laughter, his whole body shaking with joy.

"You scared me half to death!" I yelled at him, and he erupts with laughter. A cute, but deep sound. He buries his face in his hoodie, his shoulders heaving.

I cant help but watch him as his stress falls away for a few moments, and he rolls around in the dirt, his eyes watering.

I sit down on the mud next to him, and give him a friendly shove.

"What was that for?" I ask him, waiting for his laughter to die down.

"Sorry." He giggled, wiping his eyes. "Had to."

I smile broadly, and he looks up at me, rolling onto his side and propping himself up on one elbow.

I couldnt help but feel awkward, or shake off the feeling that i wanted to kiss him right now. I knew he was a murderer and a filthy liar with a bad attitude, but the feeling in my chest was so overpowering that I had to dig my fingers into the dirt to stop me from smashing my lips onto his.

"So why did you run when the police showed up?" I asked quickly, desperate to get his gaze off me.

His smiling mouth set back into a cold hard line, and I immediately regretted what I had just asked.

"Lets just say im in a bit of trouble with the police and another gang." He shrugged, brushing a thunderbug out of his hair. He stands up, wiping the dust off his jeans and holding his hand out to me. When I hesitate, I can see him roll his big brown eyes.

"Bella. For christ sake just take my hand." He snaps.

I take it, worried by his change in tone. My hand was small and pale in his big, tanned ones. His hands were surprisingly warm and soft.

We stand there for a while, just staring at each other.

I cough, uncomfortable, then pull my hand out of his grip.

"I'll drive you home..." He said softly. "But first we need to get out of here."

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