Chapter 13

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-Bellas P.O.V-

I hit my head pretty hard when George stormed out the door. Adam watched him as he slammed his door shut, and i rubbed my temple with the palm of my hand.

"Are you alright Bella?" Adam frowns, dropping his Gameboy and sitting beside me, his hand resting on my shoulder.

"Yeah, just a bit of a head ache." I mumble, scrunching up my face while my head throbbed.

"Hes just a mardy ass in the morning." Adam picks up his game and focuses his eyes on the screen.

The door slowly opened and George stood there, his hands running through his tufty waves that curled around his pale, picture perfect face.

"Get dressed." He croaked. "We're going out."

"But-I dont have any clothes!" I gasped.

"Find some." George snapped, and Adam rolled his eyes.

"Christ mate, just lend her some." He scoffs. George marches over to the drawer, and drags out a black tank top, some skinny jeans, a navy blue hoodie and a grey beanie, then throws them at me.

"Get out Adam." George growls.

I stand up, uncomfortable with the way George was glaring at me, his piercing eyes stabbing me. Adam winks at me, then walks out.

"Where are we going?" I chew my lip, concentrating on the evil smile placed on George's lips.

"Shopping. I need a new..." he stops abruptly, and his eyes flicker to an object in the corner of his room. I glance at it. Its a beautiful guitar, glossy wooden curves the colour of silky chocolate. It looks brand new.

"Its not new." George laughs, practically reading my mind. "I stole it years and years ago. The strings are damned and the tuning doesnt work." He picks it up, stroking the strings fondly. "Watch." He strums an E Major, and I cringe. He was right; it sounded awful.

"Who knew it." I giggled. "Bad boy over here plays guitar." I tease.

"Get out of it." He chuckles. "Right, you get changed, I'll meet you outside."

It doesnt take me long to slip into the clothes. He was really skinny, and i could fit in his clothes easily. The toothbrush sits on his dresser, and i take it, brushing my teeth then swilling out my mouth with freezing water that made me cough it was so cold.

When i step out of the little cottage, George is picking the dry bark off a towering oak,humming quietly.

"You change moods real fast." I smile, and he jumps, shrieking like a girl. "Payback for the field." I laugh, and he scowls furiously at me.

"I heard you humming." I whisper quietly, knowing that he wouldnt want anyone to hear me.

"No you didnt." He spits, and i get the message. "You look nice." He raises his head, no emotion on his face.

"Thanks." My cheeks flush a rosy red, and George grins slightly.

"You really dont take compliments well do you?" He steps towards me, almost carefully, like one would approach a startled animal or if it was hurt. "Your scared of me arent you? The truth, Bella."

I take a deep breath through my nose, holding it as long as i can until my lungs are pounding.

"Honestly, ive never been scared shitless of someone this much before." I whimper, looking at my feet. "But i like it." I hear him laugh. "I feel safe around you. Even though i know i shouldnt."

"Damn right you shouldnt."

I look up at him through my thick lashes, and he's smiling, flashing those pearly white teeth.

"So why are you happy?" I question him. Is he glad that he could be the reason something bad happened to me?

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