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"Min Yoongi? Mr. Choi is now ready to see you." Yoongi heavily stood up and walked into the office. "Sir, you called me?"

"Come in, sit down. I got some things to tell you.", Mr. Choi seemed annoyed.

"What's the deal sir?", he asked again after he sat down.

"Suga, you know you are one of the best producers in this company! But don't you think your break was long enough? We need more outcome! When are you planning to launch your mixtape you said you were working on months ago?"

Min Yoongi aka Suga was a successful producer and talent scout in Seoul. But lately, he has been on a block. He felt like his inspiration dried out. But what was he supposed to do?

"It's not my fault that there is not one single competent singer out there! All the people I cast were pure shit! Either they couldn't sing or they abused the song with their own ideas and thoughts of changing it. I'm sorry but the people your secretary sends me to cast are hopeless cases!", Yoongi leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.

Mr. Choi seemed pissed. Maybe it was not the right time to rant about the skills of his secretary. "I give you one month! Either you come here with a finished mixtape or you can pack your stuff and leave!", he shouted.

Yoongi left the office and slammed the door behind him. "What the fuck is his problem?!", he hissed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Namjoon aka RM walked up to Yoongi. He was also a producer but more focused on writing. He has been working a lot with Suga that's how they ended up being close friends.

"That bitch told me to publish my mixtape in one month or else I am done with working here.", Yoongi said and ran through his hair with his hand.

"Well fuck, you know Mr. Choi is not an easy cake so you better start working. I'll help you, don't worry.", Namjoon said and grabbed his friend's shoulder.

"No, it's my own problem I don't want to drag you into this. Whatever. I got to go home. Luna is probably waiting.", he sighed and waved goodbye before he got into his car outside the company.


"Luna! I'm back, baby!", he shouted and closed the door behind.

Luna ran up to Suga and happily wiggled her tail. Yoongi decided to get a dog a year ago after he broke up with his girlfriend.

He felt lonely in the apartment all by himself so why not get a loyal friend? "Oh Luna, I need inspiration. What am I supposed to do?", he sat down on the couch and the chubby pug laid on his lap.

One of the reasons why he got a pug was because she was just as lazy as him. She looked at him with her big eyes and started licking his hand. "Are you hungry?" Luna jumped up and ran to the kitchen. When it comes to food she suddenly becomes athletic.

Yoongi opened some drawers and cupboards but he couldn't find anything. "Well damn, looks like we need to do some shopping, my lady."He put on his jacket, grabbed his keys and put a leash on his beloved Luna.


Yoongi shopped more than intended and now he had to carry a heavy bag around. "Fuck this. Why didn't I take my car." He walked through the alleys with Luna walking happily by his side.

"Oh! Luna look! A fruit stand. Want some cherries?" The people walking past him must think he is insane because he talks to his dog but he doesn't give a shit. He was standing in line when a guitar sound caught his attention. A couple of people were cheering. He got curious and decided to look what was going on.

A girl placed a cup on the ground and tuned the strings of her guitar. She cleared her throat and started singing.

During her performance, Yoongi kept smirking. Her voice was so soft and smooth it caused him goosebumps all over his arms. After she finished her listeners put some money in the cup and she thanked them all. Her name was written on the white cup with a purple marker.


Yoongi kept staring and bit his lip when their eyes met. "What are you looking at!", Wendy hissed at the guy who was staring at her.

"I think I finally found you.", Yoongi smirked. She rolled her eyes. "Take a picture it will last longer you prick!"

"Don't worry, I will..."

She collected all her belongings and walked away.

"Luna? Are you ready for this journey?", he asked and looked after Wendy who cheekily threw her hair behind her back. Luna barked and Yoongi smiled. "I take that as a yes. Come on we can't lose track of her!" He laughed, jogging after Wendy with Luna next to him.

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