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♫ song: dear no one by tori kelly

"And, go ", Yoongi pressed the record button and a soft guitar melody echoed through the studio. Wendy stood behind the thick glass. She had headphones on and was tapping on her leg with her finger, along to the beat.

She closed her eyes and stepped closer to the microphone.

" I like being independent..
Not so much of an investment..
No one to tell me what to do..
I like being by myself..
Don't gotta entertain anybody else..
No one to answer to...

But sometimes..
I just want somebody to hold..
Someone to give me their jacket when its cold..
Got that young love even when we're old..

Yeah sometimes..
I want someone to grab my hand..
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man..
I will love you till the end..."

Yoongi stared at the girl. He licked his lips and leaned back in his seat. He was under her spell. The door opened and Namjoon walked in. He sat down next to his friend and raised his eyebrows. "Damn, Yoongs. Her voice is perfect. You really did it. Mr. Choi will be happy about this one."

Yoongi didn't take his eyes off Wendy. "No, Namjoon. I will make that bastard cry. He will be begging on his knees that I forgive him.", he smirked and at that moment Wendy looked at him. Their eyes met and she smiled, giving him a thumb up. He stopped the record. "Alright, Wendy that's it for today." She put her headphones away and walked out of the recording stall.

"Was it alright?", she asked and sat down on the table as she grabbed a bottle of water. "Good? That was awesome!", Namjoon said before Yoongi could even open his mouth. They have been working for a week already and they managed to record 2 songs completely.

Yoongi was surprised by Wendy. She turned out to be completely different than he thought her to be. She was disciplinied and serious while doing her job, and when they went out for dinner or something else, she was cheerful and naturally funny.

As promised, Yoongi had treated her for dinner for the couple of days. "What do you want to eat today?", he asked and looked at Wendy who seemed to be amused. She shifted off the table and stretched. Her shirt lifted a little up and Yoongi catched a glance of her porcelain skin.

He blushed and quickly turned his head, organizing some disks and paper. "I don't mind, you pick today.", she said smiling.

"Can I join?", Namjoon said and winked at Wendy. She smiled uncomfortably and hoped that Yoongi would actually say no. Nothing against Namjoon, but she felt awkward whenever he tried to flirt. He was a nice guy but Wendy had laid her eyes on someone else.

"No, you can't.", Yoongi said strict and he stood up. "I will cook some ramyun today, because I'm broke at the moment. Sorry, bro." Namjoon laughed and waved goodbye. "It's alright man, I will force Chanyeol to go out with me then. Bye!"

He left and Wendy bit her lip, trying not to laugh. She leaned against the wall and watched Yoongi packing his stuff. "So, it's ramyun today?", she asked and got flustered at the thought of Yoongi standing in the kitchen and cooking for her.

He chuckled. "Actually I lied to get rid off him but sure if you want that." She raised her eyebrows. "Why did you lie?" He shrugged. "Well I don't like it when he flirts with you." He stepped closer to her and Wendy looked into his sparkling eyes.

Her heart raced and she felt warm. She never thought that she would actually start to like Yoongi in that way. He was such a caring person and always a gentleman. How could people write and say so bad things about him on the internet?

Yoongi cleared his throat and Wendy snapped out of her thoughts. "Luna is probably waiting. Are you coming?", he chuckled and Wendy grabbed her bag before she ran after him.

"Woah your apartment is huge! Why do you live alone here?", Wendy plopped on the couch and looked at Yoongi who decided to order something online after all. "I'm not alone, I have Luna!", he chuckled and Luna gave an approving growl before continuing her nap.

Wendy laughed and Yoongi noticed how beautiful she looked when she did. "What are you looking at?", she asked and he quickly shook his head, pretending to type something on his phone. His cheeks flushed pink.

Wendy liked how shy he actually was. And gorgeous. She had a boyfriend before but she never felt or thought about the things she does when she looked at Yoongi. Her phone rang and both looked surprised at each other. Wendy grabbed her phone and her smile dropped.

"Okay, I am coming! Hold on a minute!", she jumped up and ran to put on her shoes. Yoongi looked at her, confused and concerned. "What's wrong?"

"I need to go home as soon as possible! The landlord for my apartment is about to go crazy!"

"Let me drive you there then", he suggested and grabbed his keys.


"Mark!", Wendy shouted as she ran up to the building with a still confused Yoongi. "He went crazy, Wendy! He is basically throwing out everyone who didn't pay the rent this month!", Mark explained and pointed at an old man.

Wendy cursed under her breath and walked up to the mentioned man. "Sir! Please, I will pay you! Just give me a couple of days!", Wendy said but the old man seemed stubborn.

A pair left the apartment with their luggage and they cursed at the old man. He just showed them his middle finger. "No, Wendy! I am sick of getting fooled! Either you pay now or you leave!", he turned around and walked to another apartment, ready to throw them out as well.

Mark and Yoongi walked up to Wendy, who seemed to be lost. She always paid her rent punctual but since she was busy recording with Yoongi she neglected her mini jobs to pay for her bills.

"Wendy, I could lend you some money.", Yoongi suggested but she gave him a death glare. He gulped and looked at Mark, who obviously was scared as well. "No, thank you. I have to find a new apartent really quickly that old man doesn't seem to joke around.", she sighed and lightly pulled on her hair.

"Come home. Mom would be happy.", Mark said but Wendy just scoffed. "She won't let me go again! Never ever am I going back to that house, sorry Mark!"

The old man shouted from the entrance. "You better pack your stuff and leave now or else I will have to call the police!"

Wendy groaned and the three of them walked into her apartment. Yoongi looked around while Wendy was busy packing with Mark. The apartment was so little, only the old, used couch fitted inside with a little table at its side. The walls were grey and the wallpaper was partly peeled off on some spots. It seemed like she didn't have a lot of belongings, because she came back with only 2 suitcases and one box gripped between her arm and chest.

Mark sighed. "Don't worry, I will help you if mom won't let you go."

"Sure. I am basically going back to jail.",she answered depressed.

"Wendy.", Yoongi said determined. She looked at him with a puzzled look. "Would you like to stay at my apartent until you find a new stay?"

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