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"Where have you been the last couple of days? Mr. Choi went crazy man." Namjoon, Chanyeol, and Yoongi sat down at an empty table in a pub near their apartments. They ordered the first round of alcohol and cheered before taking a big sip.

Yoongi smiled and snipped against his glass with his fingers, making clink sounds. "I was working with Wendy at the studio. We recorded another song." Chanyeol took another sip of his drink. "I heard she stays at your apartment? Why though?"

Yoongi shrugged. "Why not? It's better than to stay at a stupid ass hotel which isn't safe. At least I will have her around if I should need her to record something immediately."

"It's not allowed to date someone you work with, you know that right?", Namjoon looked at Yoongi who finished his drink. "Do I look like I give a shit? I don't plan to date her anyways. Or anyone else." He raised his hand and the barkeeper filled their drinks for round two.

"You still think of her? Bro, let it go.", Namjoon sighed and Chanyeol nodded approving. "No, I am totally over her but if I should date Wendy, I don't want to do the same mistake again. That's why I try to keep a distance." Yoongi looked at his drink, lost in thoughts and Namjoon just sighed. "You don't deny you have feelings for her."

He looked up and a little smile creeping up on his lips. "You are right. I am not. But it's better if she doesn't know. I don't want to mess with her head. She probably is just focused on the mixtape." Yoongi's smile faded into a frown.

"Come on, boys! We are here to enjoy our time and drink!", Chanyeol raised his drink and three of them clinked them before going for the next round.


Luna lazily rolled her body on the couch while Wendy continued to pet the tiny pug. "Luna, is it weird to like someone you work with? Even if you are not allowed to do that?", she asked and the pug just stared at her with big, sparkling eyes.

Wendy chuckled. "I think I am falling for Yoongi... Should I tell him? Or should I keep it to myself? He would only get confused. And maybe he will even resign me because he will think I am only using him for fame!" She frowned and Luna growled. "You are right, that's not how Yoongi is. He is caring, gentle, generous and .. beautiful."

Wendy blushed at her own thoughts and lightly slapped her cheeks. "stopstopstopstop." The entrance door swung open and Yoongi stumbled inside. He was smiling while he closed the door. "Yoongi, what is with you?", Wendy got up and supported him to stay up by holding his arms.

"I want to sleep..", he mumbled which made Wendy sigh. The smell of alcohol explained pretty much everything. She slung her arm around his waist and they slowly walked into Yoongi's bedroom. "I thought you'd be sleeping..", Yoongi innocently said and clumsily laid down on his bed.

"I had some thinking to do.", Wendy crossed her arms in front of her chest and watched the drunk boy lying on his bed. "Why is the room spinning around..", he raised his arms up but since he barely had any energy he placed them on his chest again. "Wendy, can you please hold my hand. I feel dizzy.." His eyes were shut and Wendy bit her lower lip.

"Sure..", she finally sighed and laid next to him. She shifted on her side, facing Yoongi and holding his hand. Yoongi copied her position and was now looking at Wendy. His hand lightly squeezed Wendy's. "What are you thinking about?", Wendy whispered.


She looked at him, surprised and flustered. "W-Why?" He took a deep breath. "I am trying to read your mind. Trying to understand what's going on inside of your head.." Yoongi placed his hand on Wendy's cheek. "I wish ..."

"You wish what?", Wendy asked, her heart was rapidly beating against her chest.

"I wish you could be mine..", he closed his eyes and yawned. "But Mr. Choi would kill me." For a moment everything around Wendy stopped. It felt like even her heartbeat stopped for a moment. "D-Do you like m-me?", she stuttered.

He nodded, his eyes still closed. "I fell for you. But psssh, don't tell anyone.." he put his finger on his lip and dozed off to sleep. Wendy slowly sat up, trying not to wake him up again. Her heart and mind were having the biggest discussion ever right now.

Light snores filled the room and Wendy smiled at the sight of Yoongi sleeping peacefully. "I can't stop. I fell for you too, Min Yoongi.", she whispered. Wendy leaned down to peck his cheek and then walked into her room. It was impossible to sleep. Her mind just didn't want to shut up. So many things were speaking against this relationship or whatever they have. But yet again, she wanted him to be her's.

"Yoongi. Wake up..", Wendy climbed on his bed and tried to get him awake. She sighed and straddled him, each leg on one of this side. Yoongi moaned when he felt her sitting on his crotch. "Are you going to get up?", she seductively whispered into his ear, causing him goosebumps all over his body.

He opened his eyes and held onto her hips. "This is the worst possible position to wake a guy up.", Yoongi said with a husky voice. Wendy just bit her lip and leaned down to kiss his cheek. He smirked. "More to the center. You missed the right spot."

"Get up now!", she shouted. He shut his eyes at her sudden yelling.


He opened his eyes and sat up, realizing everything was just a dream. Wendy was standing at the door frame with an apron around her waist. "Finally! Get up I am making pancakes!"

Yoongi covered his lower region with a pillow and nodded hurriedly. Wendy sighed and left, closing the door behind. "Shit, what are you doing bro, this is not what we planned!", Yoongi hissed and ran to the bathroom, his hand hiding his morning wood.

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