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"I am always going to protect you. But please don't distance yourself from me. I need you..", Yoongi whispered and Wendy's heart started beating faster. They parted and looked at each other. Their faces only a few inches apart. Yoongi's gaze locked on Wendy's pink lips. She closed her eyes and Yoongi leaned closer, their noses brushing against each other. He tilted his head and connected their lips. Finally.

Wendy immediately kissed back and gripped his shirt. Without breaking the kiss, Yoongi pulled her on his lap. She straddled him and deepened the kiss. Yoongi held onto her hips, a soft moan escaping his mouth when Wendy shifted on his lap, causing friction on his crotch.

Yoongi leaned his head back as Wendy started to kiss down his neck. She kissed his jaw, his neck and then sucked on his collarbone, leaving a hickey behind. She knew exactly what she was doing when she started to grind on him. Yoongi completely lost it and a loud moan echoed in the room.

He grabbed her by her waist and in one smooth move Wendy was lying on the couch, Yoongi hovering above her. The girl slung her legs around Yoongi's waist when he started to grind on her. The sound of heavy panting was heard through the room.

This time Yoongi attacked Wendy's neck and she rolled her eyes in pleasure. The tent in Yoongi's pants grew bigger and she could feel it with every time he rubbed their crotches against each other. "Yoongi..", she moaned. "I need you... Now..", Wendy pushed up her hips and he groaned at the pressure on his manhood.

He quickly got up and pulled Wendy along to his bedroom. Luna just watched them leave, wondering at the scene she just saw. His bedroom was dark and Yoongi didn't bother turning the lights on. The moonlight shone inside and it was enough for them both.

They stood at Yoongi's bed and Wendy touched his cheek. His eyes reflected lust and desire. How long has he been waiting for this... But was it right? Did she like him the same way as he liked her? "Stop overthinking.", she whispered and shortly pecked his lips. "I want this. I want you, Yoongi."

He raised his eyebrows, not expecting her sudden confession. "Yoongi, I think I am falling for you." He smiled and softly kissed her lips. His hands were shaking when he started to unbutton her blouse. Wendy smiled at the shy boy in front of her.

How could people say he is a spoiled asshole when obviously he is one of the most gentle human beings alive. She held his hands and helped to unbutton the last two. He licked his lips as she slid off the blouse followed by her skirt. Her pale skin was shining in the moonlight. She helped him to put off his hoodie and unbuckled his belt, dropping his pants at his ankles.

Wendy tip toed to kiss him, which made Yoongi pull her closer. He kicked their clothes to the side and caressed her back. His hands stopped at her bra and he slowly unhooked it, then gliding her panties down her bare legs.

She walked a few steps back to reach his bed, not wanting to break the kiss. Yoongi groaned when their lips parted. Wendy laid down, her hair messily tossed on the bed. He could stare at this view forever but when his boner twitched, he slowly climbed on his bed, hovering over his lover again.

 He could stare at this view forever but when his boner twitched, he slowly climbed on his bed, hovering over his lover again

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Wendy touched his neck and pulled him into another kiss. She managed to pull off his boxers with her feet and kicked it to the rest of their clothes. Yoongi's member was proudly standing against his pale stomach. She pushed her hips up again to meet their naked crotches.

"Don't play me..", he said with a raspy voice. Wendy smirked and held onto his back as she spread her legs. Yoongi groaned at the sigh and rubbed his hard member against her entrance, earning him a moan from her which drove him insane.

"Tell me to stop when it hurts..", he whispered. She nodded and her lips parted when Yoongi slowly entered her. He moaned at the heat around his dick but refused to close his eyes. Yoongi wanted to scan every emotion Wendy went through at that moment.

Her eyes were shut and her mouth opened the more he glided inside. Once he completely entered her, he pulled out again causing Wendy to gasp at the loss. "Make love to me, Yoongi..", Wendy whispered and a tear escaped her eye. He leaned down to kiss it away before he entered her again.

Yoongi started thrusting harder this time, but still careful not to hurt her. Their panting turned into moaning and Wendy gripped onto his shoulders. She scratched down his back as Yoongi sped up his pace.

The pain quickly vanished, making pleasure run through her veins instead. After she got used to his size, Wendy started to roll up her hips to the rhythm Yoongi was thrusting inside her. Skin slapping against skin and loud moaning echoed through the apartment.

Wendy moaned louder when Yoongi pounded harder. He bit his lip but didn't slow down his pace. He could feel her walls clench around his throbbing dick. Sweat forming on both of their bodies. She arched her back and came with a loud moan. Yoongi growled, feeling his stomach knot, finally releasing hard after, filling her with his seed. He rode off his erection and stroke her hair back, placing a loving kiss on her forehead.

Wendy opened her eyes and looked around. The room was still dark. She looked to her side to see Yoongi peacefully sleeping next to her. She cuddled up to him and pulled the blankets up, not wanting him to catch a cold. Soon she dozed off to sleep again, with a smile on her face.

When the sun shone through the window, it made Yoongi blink several times. The warmth of Wendy's body next to him made him smile and he shifted closer. "Good morning..", she whispered and he chuckled, giving her a soft kiss.

They laid there, looking at each other. Their legs tangled into one other, hands on the other's body. "How do you feel?", Yoongi asked with a husky voice. Wendy closed her eyes and took a satisfied breath. "As if I am in heaven.."

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