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It was not usual for Yoongi to wake up early in the morning and to prepare breakfast. Especially not, if that breakfast wasn't even for him. He neatly placed the plate with bacon and eggs on a tray, grabbed two glasses and a bottle of orange juice, before he finally made his way back to the bedroom.

Yoongi almost tripped over Luna who decided to sleep in the middle of the room all of sudden. "This dog..", he whispered and placed the tray on the nightstand. He sat down on the bed and poked Wendy on the cheek. "Hey, wake up, I made breakfast." Wendy hummed and turned around so her back was facing Yoongi. The elder sighed and pulled on the bedsheets. "Wendy, wake up I was-"

His eyes widened and he jumped up. "Wendy you are bleeding! Get up I will drive you to the hospital!", he ran around the room with panic, trying to find his pants. Wendy sighed and sat up. She removed the bedsheets and noticed the bloodstain on the bedsheets and her pajama pants. "Calm the fuck down!", she yelled at Yoongi who suddenly stopped in his track.

"But you are bleeding, we need to see a doc-"

"Yoongi, I am on my period.", she rubbed her eyes and sighed. Yoongi's mouth shaped an 'o' and he slowly walked to the bed and sat down on the edge. Wendy giggled and cupped his face, placing a tender kiss on his lips. "I should get a shower and change those..", Wendy said as she stood up. Yoongi nodded and awkwardly stood in the room.

"Oh, be a sweety and go to the mall around the corner to get me pads?", Wendy asked and walked to the bathroom. Yoongi stood there frozen. "What the fuck... How am I supposed to know which one you need!?", he yelled after her but the sound of the shower drowned his question. He rubbed his face and looked at Luna who woke up at the smell of bacon. "Luna, you are coming with me."

large. flex&twist. ultra. soft.

Yoongi stood in front of the section for tampons and pads and died inside every time a woman passed by, giving him weird looks. He ruffled his hair and looked at the different packages. "Who needs that many brands, like can't women just have one fucking example that everyone can use!?", he whisper-shouted at Luna.

"Sir, may I help you?" Yoongi quickly looked at the employee. His ears turned red within seconds and he nodded slowly. She was wearing a blackpink uniform, her hair was blonde and the tips seemed to be colored lightly rosy.

"Y-Yes uhm..", he looked at her name tag. "Lisa.."

"I am looking for pads for my g-girlfriend. She kind of is on her period and well... needs one of those but I have no idea which one..", Yoongi rubbed his nape, feeling slightly awkward when Lisa chuckled. "Is it the first day of her period?"

Yoongi nodded. Lisa grabbed a package and handed it to him. "This should be fine by now. Need anything else? Painkillers? Tampons?" His eyes widened. "P-Painkillers?!"

Lisa laughed and shook her head. "No don't worry, it's just some women tend to have cramps when being on their period... Just in case-"

"Give me four."

Wendy sat on the couch, eating the breakfast Yoongi had made for her. She changed the bedsheets and even cleaned the mess he made in the kitchen, yet Yoongi was not back. "Gosh, what takes him so long.", Wendy groaned and just then the door swung open, Luna running inside followed by Yoongi who carried 3 shopping bags.

He sat down next to Wendy and smirked. Wendy only raised her brows. "What is that? I just wanted a package of pads.."

"Well, Lisa said women need painkillers and then I found out that you might even get some headache and I even bought some fruits and chocolate because Lisa said women crave those things and-" Wendy placed her hand on his mouth. "Okay first of all. Was that bitch Lisa pretty? I'm praying for you to say no or else you'll die. And second... She obviously tricked you to sell more, you fool."

Yoongi nodded slowly, realizing that she was right. "Oh.." Wendy laughed and hugged the now pouting Yoongi. "You are so cute I just can't.Thank you, babe really it's too adorable to see how much you worry.", she bit her lip.

"Yeah, well-", Yoongi got cut when his phone started ringing. He quickly picked it up when he saw Namjoon's ID. "Wassup?"

"Fuck, Yoongi! You need to come see this as soon as possible!"

"Wait, calm down, what's happening?", Yoongi looked confused and turned the speakers on so Wendy could listen as well. "Okay, listen! So Chanyeol and I found this hacker guy and he managed to hack the cameras of our company and fuck! Yoongi! Seriously! Come here and watch this!"

Yoongi and Wendy hurriedly walked to Namjoon's office. Once they entered they met 3 laughing guys. Namjoon and Chanyeol waved at them. "Come here, let me introduce you Lee Jihoon. But just call him Woozi that's his hacker name.", Namjoon said and the hacker guy, who seemed really young, bowed down.

"Awe, you are so cute!", Wendy cooed and pinched his cheeks. "He looks like a mini version of you, Yoongi!" Yoongi rolled his eyes and pulled Wendy to his side. "Yeah, whatever don't touch him.", he said with a hint of jealousy. "So what's the thing you wanted to show us?"

"Oh right!", Namjoon clicked on some files on his computer. "Uh, Woozi you can go now... Thank you, I will send your money this evening." The youngest nodded and hurriedly left.

"Can you finally tell us the big deal?", Yoongi groaned and sat down on a chair, pulling Wendy on his lap. "Okay, so listen we actually wanted to hack Mr. Choi's computer to see if we could find any documents that might ruin him but we found something better. Woozi hacked the camera of his computer and well... Watch yourself..", Namjoon clicked on play and Mr. Choi's office was seen on screen.

"Are you sure no one is going to hear us?"

"Yes come on.
Let me have some fun now
or you won't get your salary this month.."

Wendy covered her mouth when she saw Mr. Choi making out with an old man. He pushed him on his desk and started to rub his crotch against his leg.

"Sir~ please don't tease me~", Mr. Choi moaned.
"You've been a slut that needs to be punished..", the old man whispered.

Chanyeol paused the video when the two men started to put off their clothes. "That was.. Lee Soo-Man!?", Yoongi said in disbelief. Chanyeol and Namjoon smirked.

"Who is Lee Soo-Man?", Wendy said and looked at the guys, obviously confused. "Lee Soo-Man is one of the richest and most popular business men in Korea. Also known as the incorporator of our enemy company!", Chanyeol said and leaned his body on the wall behind him.

"Guys, this video... It will destroy Siwon.", Yoongi said in a low voice. "That's why we wanted to show you. Wendy doesn't even have to seduce Mino anymore. We will just knock out Siwon himself.", Chanyeol smirked.

Namjoon copied the video on a CD and handed it to Yoongi who stood up and took it, smirking. "Oh, Siwon. You will regret the day you met me."

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