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"Hey Yoongi, please answer your phone, we need to talk."
"Yoongi, where are you? Mr. Choi is getting mad!"
"Bro, please pick up your phone."
"At least open the door, man! I know you are there!"
"We are worried please op-"

Yoongi pulled the wire off the phone and threw it to the side. He tossed his body back on his bed and watched the ceiling. His daily routine for the last week was not any different. He woke up with a headache, ordered food if there was no left over from the last day, laid in bed all day, got drunk at night and fell asleep on the couch. Luna whined at the state of her master. She tried cheering him up by licking his face or hands, but Yoongi completely shut off from the world.

-flashback one week ago.

Chanyeol and Namjoon convinced Yoongi not to kill Mr. Choi... yet. He was drunk as hell when they carried him home. Yoongi was nervous. Would Wendy still be there? He could not check because he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. The two boys sighed and left Yoongi to sleep. They'd check on him the next morning.

The worst thing for a drunk man to wake up to in the morning is too much light. The sun was shining bright and Yoongi pulled his covers higher to hide his face from the sun. His eyes fluttered open when he remembered the events from the last day. He quickly got up but regretted it the same minute. He felt dizzy and fell back on the bed.

When he finally felt better, he stood up more carefully this time and walked into Wendy's room. It was empty. Yoongi could feel his heart shattering into a million pieces. So she was serious with all what she said yesterday. And once again, Yoongi was left alone.

And here he is one week after Wendy left him, still heartbroken and confused. Why did she leave him? "We only hurt each other, my ass..", he muttered and got up from his bed to get something to drink. He gulped down a whole bottle of water and sat on the kitchen counter.

His stomach growled loud enough to tell him that he was hungry. Yoongi checked the empty pizza boxes in the living room, which was a mess by now, but he couldn't care less. He sighed and rubbed his neck. It was Sunday night and he could not order anything. So he decided to check his fridge.

When he opened it, he saw a little cake on the shelf of his fridge. Yoongi carefully took the cake and placed it on the kitchen counter. He noticed a letter stuck on the bottom of the plate. "Huh, what the hell is that?", he mumbled and opened the folded paper.


He froze. Because he knew this handwriting. After taking a deep breath, he sat down on a chair and continued reading.

I don't know when or if you will read this letter since you never check your fridge.
Please do me one last favor, and eat healthier. Stop ordering food and cook a proper meal.
I know you are probably cursing and ranting right now, telling me who the fuck are you to tell me what to do after you left me without a warning.

I have been thinking a lot lately. You made me the happiest girl on earth for the last months we spent our time together. I really appreciate everything you've done for me and I will forever be thankful that you picked me to record your mixtape with.

Also, I know you good enough to say that you are confused why I left. Well, I had many reasons. Yoongi, please just don't hate me. It's just I don't want you to get into trouble because of me. I don't want your career to be on the edge because of my selfishness.

You've become such an important part of my life. I think it might take some time for me to move on, but that's how girls are right? We always are the weaker part. I wanted to let you know that I don't regret one single moment with you. You are the best thing that happened to me..

But now it's time to move on and forget everything... for good.
Take care of yourself..and Luna. She is precious.

And if we should meet again.. Just ignore me.
I will be fine.. I promise.

I love you, Yoongi.

- W

He crumbled the letter in his hand. "Silly girl.. Do you really think I will let you go after you said that..", he mumbled to himself and ran to his bedroom to grab his jacket.

Wendy sighed and zapped through the channels on Nayeon's tv. After a while, Wendy turned the tv off. Nayeon sat down next to her and stretched. "Ugh, I bet our electricity will be canceled for tonight. Did you read about the storm?", Nayeon complained. Wendy only hummed.

"Girl, it's been a week and you still think about him?"

"What can I do, Nayeon. I really got used to him.. ", Wendy lowered her head and she sniffed. Nayeon sighed and patted her shoulder. "If you miss him so much why don't you visit him?" She furiously shook her head. "I can't get weak. It's been only one week. I am sure I will get better with time. It's better for him if I stay away."

"And what's with Mr. Choi? You signed a contract. You can't just ditch work. We both know what kind of bitch he is.. Don't you think it'll get worse if you don't show up at work?", Nayeon asked worriedly.

Wendy only shrugged, she started crying by now. "I don't know what to do anymore... I-I just.." Nayeon hugged her. She never saw her friend that lost before. The sudden sound of the thunder made both of the girls jump up. "I hate thunders", Nayeon whined and walked to the window.

It was heavily raining as if someone poured water from the sky on purpose. Her eyes narrowed when she saw a shadow standing on the street. "Oh man, that's scary as fuck..", she whispered. Wendy stood up and walked next to her. "Is that person insane? It's too dangerous!", Wendy said and covered her mouth.

Nayeon shrugged. "I will go to sleep. It's probably a homeless dude. Goodnight." Wendy hummed and watched the person on the street getting closer to their street. She bit her lip. "What is he doing..", she whispered. He stood near a street lamp and looked up the building. His eyes were searching for something.

With another thunder, everything lightened up for a split of a second and Wendy stopped breathing when she finally recognized the figure standing on the street. "Yoongi..", she said under her breath.

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