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Wendy hurriedly walked into the next hair salon and dyed her hair to black, just as Mr Choi suggested her to. She didn't want to admit, but he scared her. After that, she walked into the apartment, Luna just stared at her. She probably didn't recognize Wendy with the new hair colour. Wendy kneeled down and Luna finally licked her face. She chuckled and hushed into the shower. She stripped off her clothes and turned the water on. The warm water ran down her body and she couldn't help but start to cry. Her hands aggressively rubbed her skin. Every part he had touched.


Mr. Choi twirled a strain of Wendy's hair.
"Call me Siwon, my dear..", he chuckled and slung his arms around her waist. Wendy jerked away and her eyes widened in shock. "What are you doing, Sir!?"

Siwon smirked and grabbed her arm. "Wendy... I know the things between you and Suga. I saw how he looked at you. Do you really think I am that stupid?" Wendy froze. Mr. Choi took the chance and kissed her neck. She was shaking. She didn't want Yoongi to get in trouble or lose his job because of her. "W-What do you want..", she whispered and slowly pushed the man away.

He groaned. "Isn't it obvious?" Wendy shook her head. "You can fire me, I don't give a single fuck. But I won't let you use me. I am only Yoongi's." She turned around to leave but Mr. Choi already grabbed her wrist. He roughly pulled her closer, making her wrist ache.

"Okay, my new year's resolution was to be a nicer man.", he smirked. "I will let you both stay in this company. But if I should catch you both touching each other or even look at each other. Both of you will be fired. If you can't be mine, you won't be his' "

Wendy gasped. "How am I supposed to work with him?!"

"I have a new, better producer. You'll work with him.", he turned around and sat down at his desk again. "Let's say this is your punishment for the gossip on Koreaboo. You may leave now." Mr. Choi grinned cheekily and Wendy hardly blinked away the tears which started to form in the corner of her eyes.

She turned the water off and walked into her room, putting her pyjamas on.

"Man the door is locked..", Chanyeol tried opening the door but no chance. Yoongi nervously bit his lip. "Fuck! Would it be too obvious if we break it?" Chanyeol nodded and both sighed. "Hey! What are you doing there!", a man shouted and walked up to them.

Yoongi and Chanyeol looked at each other. One of them had to lie or else they'd be dead. "Uh, Sir. Someone stole my lunch and I wanted to check who it was!", Chanyeol spoke up. Yoongi internally facepalmed himself. The security dude looked angry. "Get the fuck out of here or else I will chop off your heads."

The two boys got the message clearly and hurriedly walked back to Yoongi's office. "Dude. Seems like you'll have to straightforward ask Wendy." The smaller nodded slowly. Even if he knew that Wendy would never tell her, he'd still try.

When Yoongi walked into his apartment, all the lights were shut. Luna was peacefully asleep on the couch. But no Wendy.

He checked the kitchen. No Wendy.

He checked her bedroom. No Wendy.

Yoongi slowly started to get nervous She didn't leave him.. right?

His palms were sweaty when he touched the doorknob to his own bedroom. He swallowed hard and then entered his room. To his surprise, the room wasn't pitch dark. A candle was lighting up his surroundings and he noticed the petite figure lying on his bed.

Yoongi sighed in relief and walked around the bed. He kneeled down on the ground and watched his beloved Wendy sleep. He smiled and caressed her cheek with his thumb. He wanted to get up and let her sleep but he noticed how Wendy was hugging his sweater. He swallowed and his eyes scanned Wendy's body. She was in her pyjamas' already. Her hair... Her hair had another colour?!

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. Why would she change it? Was it because of Mr. Choi? His fists clenched at the thought of that bastard. But Yoongi promised Chanyeol not to blame him before they got proof, so he shook off those thoughts.After a while of standing, he stripped off his clothes and put a plain white shirt on. He climbed on the bed and spooned Wendy's body with  his'.

When he closed his eyes and inhaled her scent, he felt happy. He cuddled closer to her body and the warmth of her body, made him feel peaceful. For just a little moment he thought how amazing it would be if only Wendy and Yoongi were living somewhere far away. Away from all this bullshit. Away from all the worries she had. All the worries he had.

"I love you... Please never leave me alone..", he whispered and his grip got tighter. Yoongi's eyes were burning because of the forming tears. He couldn't hold them back and soon he was silently crying, his face burrowed into Wendy's hair. "I am so alone... Please don't leave me..", he said again. He wiped his tears away with the back of his hand and took a deep breath.

"All this time, when I felt lonely, I had no one to hold onto. I need someone who believes in me. Someone who says they need me. I never knew I needed love if I didn't meet you..." He knew Wendy was sleeping but he also knew that he would not have the courage to tell her all his worries when she was awake. Yoongi sighed. "Please let me know if something happened. The thought of you getting hurt... It kills me.." he whispered.

His eyes got heavier and the little flame of the candle slowly went off, leaving a light and airy smoke behind. The elder dozed off to sleep, his eyes still teary. When his breathing got more frequently, Wendy took the chance and wiped away her tears. She was a coward for pretending to be sleeping to avoid uncomfortable questions.

Her grip on Yoongi's sweater got easier and she placed her hands on his', which were wrapped around her waist. She closed her eyes and sighed. "How I wish I could tell you... But trust me. I will fight for you. I will fight for us.", she whispered before falling asleep as well.

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