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Yoongi took out the CD from his laptop and placed it in an empty case. "This will end some careers." Wendy laughed and hugged Yoongi from behind, leaning over the couch. She kissed his cheek and then walked into the kitchen to prepare some food.

"It's only the demo album, but if Mr. Choi likes it, what most definitely will happen, we will record it fully and more professional.", he followed her into the kitchen and sat down on the counter. "Yoongi.."

The mentioned boy looked up and hummed. "Yoongi, are you... Well going to tell him about.. us?", she avoided his gaze and continued cutting the vegetables. Yoongi tensed up. He remembered what had happened with his previous relationship when he told Mr. Choi about it. Wendy noticed the now pale Yoongi. She put away the knife and cupped her lovers face.

"I didn't mean to pressure you. It's just that I want this to work. I want us to be something..", she smiled weakly. Yoongi nodded slowly. "Listen... Wendy, it's a little bit complicated. We at the company... Well, we are not allowed to date anyone we work with. The thing is I want you more than anything.", he jumped off the counter and hugged his beloved girl.

"But on the other hand, I don't want to risk your career because of my selfishness. Again.", he continued. Wendy looked puzzled. "Again? What do you mean?" Yoongi sighed and grabbed her hand, walking to the couch. Once they sat down he took her hand in his and caressed her knuckles.

"What I am going to tell you now is the past. Let me tell you everything and then you are free to decide what you want to do. Ok?" Wendy nodded and cuddled against his chest.

"A few years ago.. Mr. Choi introduced us to a new singer and rapper in our company. He wanted me to work with her because he thought I am the best producer. I always made the newcomers shine from the beginning and well it earned him good money if they did. Anyway...Joohyun..", he took a deep breath at the name of the girl.

".. Joohyun was new in the business and while we worked, we kind of developed feelings for each other. But once she tasted the good sides of the fame, she started to change. We kept our relationship a secret. She always wanted to tell Mr. Choi because she never felt like she was doing something wrong. Well, she was right at some point... Is it wrong to love? Almost one year later, when she finally debuted, we decided to tell Mr. Choi. Joohyun thought that if we continue to hide it, it'll end up worse. And she was right. He went completely mad. He shouted and destroyed his office. He said we backstabbed him and at the end, he threw Joohyun out the company"

"I tried to talk to Joohyun a thousand times after she left, but she blamed me for everything. She said it was my fault that she got resigned and it was all my fault because I was the one who wanted to hide it from right the beginning. But she never knew that is was also me who left behind with a broken heart. I didn't only lose the trust and support of my boss. I also lost my love. She left Seoul after her career flopped. I don't know where she is right now and to be honest I don't want to know. I just hope she is happy now, where ever she is."

"Indeed, it was all my fault that she got fired. I was too selfish and afraid to lose her but after all, I lost her anyway. You know, the point is.. I don't want this all to happen to you. You are the first girl after years who made my body shiver with only saying my name. You make my heart race when you touch me. And when I am with you, I feel safe."

"It would be unfair if I block your musical career because of those feelings. I see a light in you. You can make it really big, Wendy. But you might not be able to reach all this if I am so stupid again to cling to you and stop you from doing what you love.."

Yoongi went silent and he got nervous. The room was silent. He saw Wendy's chest go up and down with every breath she took. Finally, she sat up and looked at him. Her eyes were sparkling. "Can I tell you now what I think about all this?", she softly whispered and smiled. Yoongi nodded.

Wendy stroke his hair back and kissed him lightly. "I don't care about the company. I don't care about Mr. Choi. I don't care about Joohyun. All I care about is you. Min Yoongi, you made a side of me shine I never knew it existed. You are the reason for all this happening right now. How am I supposed to pick between you and music? If I didn't meet you, I would still be working at shady restaurants and sing on the streets where nobody appreciated my music."

"You made my biggest wish come true. I am so thankful for everything you have done for me. I could never blame you for any failure in my life. I don't give a shit about my career if it means that you won't be a part of it. So let's just roll with it and see what the future holds for us.." Yoongi pulled her into a hug and she chuckled. "What did I do to deserve you..", he whispered.

She pushed him away and climbed onto his lap. "I don't know what you did, but I know what I will be doing now..", she bit her lip and straddled him. He blinked in shock at Wendy's sudden mood. She was putting off her shirt. "Didn't you want to c-cook.. I-I thought you are h-hungry..", Yoongi stuttered.

Wendy smirked and leaned over to his ear. "I am hungry for something else." Yoongi shivered when her hot breath roamed against his skin. He groaned and connected their lips.

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