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It was a peaceful Friday night. Yoongi was in his room doing some paperwork. Wendy was in her room, getting ready. She hasn't been outside to party for a while. After curling her hair, she grabbed a white skirt and a matching white blouse which was transparent so her black bra was slightly shining through the fabric. Her phone beeped and she grabbed her leather jacket and phone.

[ i'm waiting outside xx ]

She smiled and locked her phone, putting on her shoes quickly. "Where are you going?", Yoongi walked to her with a cup of tea in his hand, the other one stuffed in the pocket of his pants. Wendy avoided his gaze. She was still flustered about his unknown confession the other night. Of course, she didn't tell him. "There is a new club, Itaewon, I'll check it out with some friends. Don't wait for me it might get late."

Yoongi frowned. He noticed that Wendy tried to avoid him for the last couple of days. And the thought of her dancing with strangers, hot, sweating strangers, made him go mad inside. She said a quick bye and left.

Yoongi walked to the window and saw how she entered a black car. He scoffed. "Yeah. Go. I have my Luna. I don't need you." He frowned and sat down on the couch. Half an hour later, he was still frowning. His tea was untouched and cold by now. Luna growled and pulled on his pants.

"You are right Luna. I can't let her be alone with those thirsty assholes. I need to protect her." He ran to his room and quickly got changed.

Loud music, colorful lights and dancing people. Yoongi looked around and scanned the mass of drunk human. His eyes locked on a familiar face smiling widely. It was hard to get through the dance floor, he kept bumping against people which he shook off with a simple 'sorry'.

Wendy was dancing with her friend, Nayeon. They laughed and eventually got a little tipsy. Even though the crowd made it hard to dance, they enjoyed their time together. At first, Wendy didn't notice that someone was really close to her back, and she just shrugged it off, blaming the crowded dancefloor. But when an arm slung around her waist and that someone pressed his body against her, she started to feel uncomfortable.

She turned her head and saw a man smirking at her, pulling her closer to his body. Wendy tried to get his hand off but he slung another arm around her. She could feel how he rubbed his crotch against her leg. "Excuse me but let me go, I don't feel like dancing anymore..", Wendy shouted, unfortunately, the music was too loud. She looked at Nayeon who was busy dancing with someone else.

The guy started to glide his hands down her hips and Wendy desperately tried to pull his hands off of her. "Shh, don't fight against it, I can make you feel good. All night long..", he groaned into her ear. Wendy shut her eyes, she didn't want to cry, then the guy touched her inner thigh.

"Get the fuck away from her!", she heard before a loud thud made her turn around. The guy was on the floor, his nose bleeding. Wendy looked up shocked and saw Yoongi. He looked at her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her with him, outside. She didn't resist and let herself walk out with Yoongi. Once they were outside, Wendy took a deep breath. The cold night air made her shiver.

"Are you alright?", Yoongi hesitated first but then touched her cheek. Wendy hugged him and slung her arms around his neck. "Thank you..", she whispered and nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck. Yoongi was surprised but hugged her too, patting her back. "Don't worry, I'm always here if you need me."

They hugged each other for a while. It was silent on the parking lot, only the dimmed music from the club was heard. Finally, Wendy let go and shyly smiled at him. "I wasn't expecting you to come. I thought you'd work on the mixtape.."

He shrugged. "Luna somehow convinced me to go after you." Both chuckled and Yoongi opened the door of his car. "Let's go home. You need a cup of tea." Wendy nodded but held his hand. Yoongi looked at her, confused about her move. "Thank you..", she repeated and Yoongi gulped nervously before he smiled and helped her to get in the car.

Luna jumped on Wendy and happily wiggled with her tail. Yoongi laughed and walked into the kitchen to make some tea. Wendy sat down on the couch to cuddle with Luna. Yoongi placed the cups on the table and sat down next to her. He scanned her body, to look if she had bruises.

"I'm fine, Yoongi. Stop worrying." Luna jumped off Wendy's lap and laid down on the floor. Yoongi moved closer to Wendy and he grabbed her arms, checking if she was fine. "I just can't believe that nobody noticed that you got harassed..", he sighed and his fists clenched. Wendy touched his cheek, making Yoongi's skin burn under the touch. He closed his eyes and placed his hand on hers. "What if I wasn't there. Everything could happen.. Why didn't you shout for help.."

Her vision got blurry from the tears that formed in her eyes. "I don't know.. I just felt so lost and weak..", she whispered. Yoongi kissed her hand and then pulled her into a hug. Wendy, who was now crying, tightly clung to him. She felt safe and warm in his embrace.

"I am always going to protect you. But please don't distance yourself from me. I need you..", Yoongi whispered and Wendy's heart started beating faster. They parted and looked at each other. Their faces only a few inches apart. Yoongi's gaze locked on Wendy's pink lips. She closed her eyes and Yoongi leaned closer, their noses brushing against each other. He tilted his head and connected their lips.

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