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Another sleepless night. But this time it was not because he was sad, no this time Yoongi was mad. He walked up and down in his living room. Constantly checking the video, hoping it would actually show more. But it was the same every time. Yoongi looked at his watch. 4:43 a.m.

He ruffled his hair and walked into his room. He just couldn't hold it anymore. "Wendy..", he said and gently shook her, trying to wake her up. She groaned and rolled in the bedsheets, looking like a burrito. Yoongi sighed and shook her a little harder this time. Still no response.

"Okay, that's it.", he said and pulled the bedsheets off her. He then lifted Wendy up and walked to the bathroom, while Wendy was sleeping on his shoulder. Yoongi carefully stepped in the shower, with Wendy still in his arms. "Last warning. Wake up.", Yoongi said but Wendy just groaned.

Yoongi shrugged and turned the water on. Wendy screamed when the cold water hit her but Yoongi didn't plan to let her go that easily. "What are you doing! Let me go! Are you crazy!?", she kept yelling and tried to get off Yoongi's grip.

On the other hand, Yoongi just smirked and watched Wendy struggling. When both of them were completely soaked, he turned the water off and Wendy started to hit his chest. "Stop moving or you'll fall!", Yoongi warned her but ended up falling himself on his ass, pulling Wendy with him. Yoongi groaned in pain.

"Oh shit! Are you okay!?", Wendy sat up and cupped his cheeks. She scanned his body and Yoongi chuckled. Wendy hit his chest. "Why are you laughing!?" Yoongi held his stomach and continued laughing, causing Wendy to stand up and check herself on the mirror. Her jaw dropped. Her hair was wet and sticking on her face. Her makeup and mascara were smeared all over her face.

She quickly washed her face and when she turned around to leave she bumped against Yoongi's chest. Wendy sighed and closed her eyes. "What do you want. And why am I even here?"

"Well, that's what I wanted to tell. Why did you get drunk last night? I had to carry you all the way here."

"What? I was not drunk, I may or may not had one or two bottles of beer. That's all."

"Yeah sure." Yoongi scoffed. "You'll get sick, put this off..", he said and pulled on Wendy's shirt. "Are you crazy! I can do that on my own. Leave.", Wendy said and covered her chest. "As if we didn't see each other naked already.", Yoongi smirked and leaned closer to Wendy.

She closed her eyes and started to get nervous. Wendy had missed him so much, she wanted to feel him near. Yoongi touched her lip with his thumb and leaned his forehead against hers. "I missed you.." he whispered. Wendy's heart was racing.

"Fuck it," she said and grabbed his shirt to pull him into a kiss. Yoongi was shocked at the sudden action but he didn't hesitate to kiss her back. They longed for each other's touch and presence.

Wendy allowed herself to melt into his hands. His touch was everywhere, from the back of her neck to the lower backside and all the way down to her ass where he squeezed it gently, causing her to let out a quiet moan. Yoongi helped Wendy to strip off her wet clothes, dropping them on the ground, before he started to get undressed himself.

They stepped into the shower again and Yoongi reattached their lips. A shiver of delight ran down her spine when Yoongi turned the shower on and the warm water ran down their naked bodies. Yoongi's hands slipped around to Wendy's front and squeezed her breasts, causing Wendy goosebumps on her skin. She pressed her body against his, rubbing her leg against his manhood.

Yoongi let out a slight moan, getting turned on by the second. His lips wandered down to her neck, kissing and sucking on her skin. Wendy reached down to stroke him while he sucked on that special spot on her neck.

He let out a low groan and pressed her against the shower wall when Wendy started pumping him faster. His eyes were full of lust and he looked at Wendy hungrily before he kissed her lips roughly again. Wendy responded immediately, burying her hands in the back of his head, tugging at his dark hair.

Yoongi's hand slipped between her thighs, rubbing slowly over her clit in fast short circles. Her knees trembled as the pleasure took over her. He gripped onto her thighs and hitched her up, slamming Wendy against the cold wall. Wendy wrapped her arms around him and tangled her fingers in his wet hair. Slowly Yoongi eased himself inside her, and Wendy's head fell back against the wall while she felt Yoongi fill her up.

He used one arm to help hold her up and the other placed on the wall behind Wendy. His balls were hastily slapping against Wendy's bottom as he thrust into her hard and deep. Yoongi slammed into her particularly harshly and Wendy couldn't help but loudly scream his name, her nails sinking deep into his shoulders.

"F-Fuck..", he cried out when Wendy scratched his back with her nails, biting into his neck, causing him to moan louder. He kept thrusting into her, in a steady pace. His nails digging deep into her flesh.

"Shit... Yoongi." Wendy moaned, her eyes rolling in the back of her head when she felt his thumb on her clit, rubbing over it in a fast pace. "Fuck I'm close." Yoongi groaned into the crook of Wendy's neck and she replied with a moan. He slammed into her a few more times before he stilled his hips and threw his head back as Wendy felt him spill his load inside of her.

His fingers roughly dug into the skin of Wendy's thighs as he let out a bunch of moans. Soon after Wendy felt her own orgasm washing over her. Yoongi pumped in and out lazily a few more times to ride out their orgasms before he pulled himself out and set Wendy on the ground.

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