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Who said girls can't get drunk? What if they have problems and issues they want to drown in alcohol as well? Why is it always boys getting drunk and having fun? "Wendy, that's enough. Stop now please.", Nayeon tried to grab Wendy's bottle of beer but Wendy was faster.

It was her 8th bottle, and she had 3 tequila shots before. Nayeon was worried that something might happen. Alcohol and smoking were two things she hated the most.

"First tell me~!", Wendy smirked. "~Where did I go wrong in life?!"  She hiccuped and took another sip of her drink, causing Nayeon to sigh in frustration. "It all happened because of him..", Wendy suddenly got all teary. "Min Yoongi you little fucker! Fucked up my mind and heart!", she yelled and Nayeon covered her mouth with her hand.

Some guests in the bar turned around to look at the drunk girl cursing but soon they continued with their own lives. "Okay, enough.", Nayeon said and grabbed Wendy's phone. She dialed a number and waited for the other line to pick up. It was past midnight already, but she didn't care.

"Hello?", a raspy voice answered.

"Oh yeah, Hi it's Nayeon. A close friend of Wendy. Could you perhaps come to the address I will text you and clean up the mess you caused, Mr. Min?", she said with an annoyed tone. Then she hung up and texted him the address as told. She placed Wendy's phone back in her pocket.

Wendy's head was lying on the table, she seemed like she drifted off to sleep. Nayeon sighed and walked to the barkeeper. "Please keep an eye on her. Her boyfriend will come pick her up any minute." He nodded and Nayeon left the bar.

Yoongi grabbed his jacket and his keys before rushing out his apartment. He knew the bar and he couldn't risk something happening to Wendy while she was drunk. When he walked into the building his eyes immediately scanned the room. A barkeeper approached him and smiled. "Are you perhaps searching for your girlfriend?"

Yoongi froze but nodded slowly. His heart ached when he remembered that she isn't his girlfriend anymore. "Come with me.", the barkeeper said and Yoongi followed him to the other side of the room. They entered a small room, looking like a changing room for the employees. And indeed, Wendy was lying on the old, dusty couch.

"Thank you.", Yoongi said and the barkeeper left. He sat on the edge of the couch and slowly caressed her hair. She was sleeping, considering the little snores he could hear.

After watching her sleep for a while, he sighed and got up. He carried her in his arms to his car, earning weird looking eyes staring at them, but Yoongi simply doesn't give one single fuck anymore.

He slowly laid her on his bed and put her shoes off. After he placed a bottle of water next to the bed, he pulled the duvets higher, so she couldn't feel cold. He turned the little night light on which was placed on the bedside table.

And then he just stood there. Watching her facial outlines and her sharp features. She was indeed beautiful. But Yoongi didn't fall in love with her because of her appearance. He fell in love with her weird-being. She was the opposite of Yoongi and he liked how well they matched. She was like the missing piece in his life. Wendy was the happiness he searched for.

Yoongi took a deep breath and he remembered the CD they finally managed to steal from the security room. He left his bedroom and closed the door so Wendy wouldn't wake up from the noises.

He placed the CD in his laptop and a list of videos popped up on his screen. Yoongi read all the files' names and finally found the one he was searching for. He took a deep breath before he clicked play on the video.

To be seen Mr. Choi who walked around his room. Yoongi fast-forwarded the video until he noticed Wendy. He clicked play again and carefully watched what was happening. Mr. Choi walked close to Wendy and twirled her hair with his finger. Yoongi clenched his fists and tried not run to his house to kill that asshole immediately.

When he saw how Wendy backed up he felt a little relieved but then he took another step and leaned down to kiss her neck. By now Yoongi was boiling inside. He wanted to chop that bastard's head off. He knew that this was what Wendy was trying to hide and it drove him even crazier.

Mr. Choi grabbed Wendy by her hips and pulled her closer when suddenly the screen went black. "What the fuck?!", Yoongi clicked some buttons and restarted the video but it always got cut off at the same spot. "What happened afterward!?", he rubbed his face and stood up. Yoongi walked up and down in his living room. Desperately wanting to know what happened.

Did Wendy push him away? Or did Mr. Choi did even worse. Yoongi felt like crying when he thought about Mr. Choi sexually harassing Wendy. He pulled on his hair and groaned. Why was the rest of the video deleted?

"We gave him the CD as you ordered, Mr. Choi."

"Awesome, and you didn't forget to cut the video at the right time, right?", he smirked and looked at his assistant. "No sir, we did as you told us to."

"Thank you. You may leave now.", Mr. Choi stood up and walked to his window as his assistant left his office. "Well, Suga. You have to learn not to mess with me.", he said and looked down at Seoul from his window. He started laughing and stretched his body. "Let's see how long you'll be able to play this game with me."

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