21 ❊ final

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"Mr. Choi, have you planned to join another company anytime soon?"

"Mr. Choi why did you suddenly give all the rights to RM & Chanyeol?"

"Mr.Choi is it true that you harass your female artists?"

"Mr. Choi! We heard your sex tape was leaked?"

Mr. Choi ignored the people around him and sat down on the place which was prepared for him. He was red as a tomato, the flashlights of the cameras made it harder to see and it felt like there was no fresh air in the hall. He nervously pulled on his tie.

Jihyun, the mc of the press conference, walked on the stage and calmed the audience. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Please be quiet for a while, our conference is starting anytime soon, and you will be able to ask your questions. Please sit down."

The mumbling stopped and everyone took their seats. Chanyeol, Namjoon, Yoongi, Wendy and two other artists which were signed by the company entered the stage and sat down. Wendy who got nervous by all the cameras starting shaking. Yoongi noticed and secretly grabbed her hand under the table. He gave her an assuring squeeze and Wendy immediately smiled.

"Calm down.", Yoongi said, not looking at her. "Look who's sitting over there..", he said and smiled, pointing at the audience. Wendy followed his finger and noticed Mark, Baekhyun, and Nayeon waving at them.

"Oh!", Wendy chuckled and waved back happily. She had missed his brother and best friends. Yoongi smiled and turned to Chanyeol. "Is the tape ready?", he whispered. Chanyeol smirked and nodded. "Don't worry, Namjoon and I prepared everything."

Jihyun stepped on the stage again and coughed. "Alright, so we will take the first question." Around 13 people raised their hands, making Mr. Choi sweat. One elder man stood up and grabbed the mic. "Good evening. Allkpop here. Mr. Choi, we always thought that you'd never leave this company, how come you suddenly decided to?" All the cameras turned to him. Mr. Choi was sweating and had a hard time speaking.

Yoongi only smirked. "That asshole deserves this all.", he mumbled. Wendy who heard that elbowed his side. "Shh.." Around an hour later, Jihyun stepped on the stage again. "Alright, Ladies and Gentlemen. We only have time for one or two more questions."

Chanyeol stood up and smiled at Jihyun, taking away the mic from her hand. "Thank you Jihyun you really did a great job, but let me continue from here." The girl nodded confused and walked off the stage. The audience started to whisper and mumble. Chanyeol grinned. "Dear press. As the new CEO of the company, I would like to introduce you our new artists! Since Mr. Choi did a horrible job at promoting, I thought why not now?"

He turned around and looked at Wendy and the two other boys sitting next to her. He winked and waved at them, telling them to come stand next to him. Wendy looked at Yoongi who gave her an assuring nod.

The two boys were already standing next to the tall one. They bowed down nervously. "Guys, introduce yourselves!", Chanyeol grinned and looked at Baekhyun who looked prouder than anyone else at the moment. "We are Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin." the taller one said. The smaller smiled, showing his perfect eye smile. "Our group is called 95z, please show us some love." The audience clapped and some girls in the back even cheered loudly. First fangirls - check.

"Taehyung and Jimin are really talented, not only with their vocals, they can also dance perfectly! Our little Tae is my fiance's cousin and Jimin is his childhood friend. We will release a teaser tomorrow online! So stay tuned!", Chanyeol cheered and a wave of flashlights made Taehyung and Jimin have goosebumps all over their bodies.

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