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It's been like ten minutes and Yoongi kept following that Wendy girl. "Where the fuck is she going, I am tired.", Yoongi complained and Luna just panted, obviously in the same condition as her owner.

Wendy disappeared at a corner and Yoongi quickly followed her. Just when he turned the same way as her, Yoongi bumped into Wendy. He stumbled and faced the girl. She was crossing her arms in front of her chest and looked annoyed.

"How long are you planning to follow me. Do you want me to call the police, you stalker?", she said. Yoongi rubbed his neck. "You got me wrong, Miss. I actually have an offer for you."

She gasped. "Miss? Do I look so old? Wow, this must be a joke."

"Here is my card.", he handed her his business card. "I am a producer and I really liked your voice so I'd like to work with you." Wendy took the card and scoffed. "If this should be a prank I will cut your balls."

Yoongi's eyes widened. "N-No, why would I prank you? My career is at risk like I don't have the luxury to joke around." He rubbed his neck. "At the moment.", he added and winked.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I will think about it. Now stop following me." She turned around and walked away self-confidently. Yoongi looked down at Luna. The poor dog seemed just as confused as Yoongi himself.

"This ain't gonna be a piece of cake but what did Anne Bronté once say, he who dares not grasp the thorns should never crave the rose.'" He petted his beloved Luna before grabbing his shopping bag and walked home.


Wendy rushed home, thinking about what the guy just offered. She unlocked the door to her old and shady apartment and sat down on the couch which was also her bed.

Her apartment consists of one room, including the couch, one small kitchen, and one toilet. It was the only thing she could afford but she didn't mind since she basically never was home anyways.

After she made herself a cup of coffee she sat down on the couch again, playing with the card in her hand.

Min Suga - Producer, Songwriter, Rapper.

She sighed. Should she really call him? Her dream was to be signed and this opportunity literally was in her hands right now. The ringing of her phone made her jump up and she quickly checked the ID. No name.

"Wendy, open the door. I know you are home." She sighed and got up to open the door. "What do you want, Mark." He grinned. "Is that the way you greet your brother? Give me a hug!" She just turned around and sat down again, taking a sip of her coffee.

Mark joined her and noticed the card on the little table. "Oh, what's that?" Before Wendy could grab it, he already snatched it. "Oh fuck! Min Suga! You know him?", he looked at her with sparkling eyes. "Do I have to?"

Mark facepalmed. "Sister, you don't know Min Suga?! How are we even related! Damn! He is the man though! Where did you get this card from?"

She shrugged. "He heard me sing on the street today and kinda followed me, telling me to meet him."

"And you said no?", Mark panicked.

"Yes. I mean no! Well, I said I need to think about it."

"What are you waiting for? That dude is a really picky producer! My friend Jamie auditioned but he told her off because apparently, she wasn't feeling the song. It's a miracle that he liked your voice."

Wendy leaned back and played with the ring on her finger. "Really? Should I? But what if he doesn't like my voice afterward and says rude things? You know I am bad at controlling my anger! I will most definitely attack him!"

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