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Wendy woke up from a nightmare and looked at her surroundings. Her forehead was sweaty and she quickly wiped it off, when she noticed the empty side of the bed where Yoongi usually would be sleeping. She checked the time. 5:43. Why would he wake up so early?

She grabbed a bathrobe to cover her half-naked body and followed the light which shone from the kitchen. "Yoongi? Why are you up already? It's so early..", she yawned and hugged him from the back. The mentioned boy was sitting at the table, his laptop was the only bright light in the room. Wendy sighed and switched the lights on.

"Hey, I am talking to you..", she looked over Yoongi's shoulder and noticed a familiar website. "Koreaboo? What the fuck, are you seriously reading this bullshit?" He shook his head slowly and then turned around to face her. "Someone saw us the other night at the club and reported it to them. I know it's a stupid website but you know how many idiots read and believe what they write.." Wendy froze, her eyes were locked on the title of the article.

Mysterious Girl and Min Suga!
- do we smell some love in the air?

Holy moly! Our Min Suga got caught leaving a party with a hot chick a couple of nights ago!
Who is that mysterious woman?

[click to read more]

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his neck

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Yoongi sighed and rubbed his neck. "I am fucked. As soon as Mr. Choi sees this. I am fucked."

"Don't say that. We will just explain what happened. Don't worry, I will take all the blame.", she smiled and cupped his face. He sighed. "Stop saying that, it's my fault after all. I should have been more careful.." The buzzing of Yoongi's phone made the couple look at each other. Yoongi took a deep breath and unlocked his phone.

"Be at my office at 8. Sharp. -CS."

" I knew it. I am fucked.", he laughed sarcastically and stood up. Wendy lowered her head. She felt sorry but what could she do other than to take all the blame for herself.

"Come in."

Yoongi turned the doorknob and walked inside Mr. Choi's office, followed by Wendy. She somehow managed to convince him to go with him. "Sir, you called me."

Mr. Choi turned around, sitting on his chair. He was rubbing his temple. "What the fuck is that Yoongi. I thought you learned from your mistakes!"

"Sir, let me explain-"

"Mr. Choi. Hi, I'm Wendy.", she cut Yoongi off and walked to Mr. Choi's desk to shake his hand. "Sir, the girl from the picture is me. I am really sorry for that. I got in trouble and well the first person who came to my mind was my boss, Mr. Min." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't like how Wendy presented their relationship.

Mr. Choi scanned Wendy and he smirked. "Well, my dear. What's your full name?"

"Son Seungwan, Sir."

"Well, Seungwan.. I might forgive you this time since the picture is blurry and your face is not seen. But be more careful. You didn't even debut yet... Right?"

"Yes, Sir. I am sorry.", she bowed down and Mr. Choi smirked again.

"Yoongi, you can leave. I have some things to tell her about." Yoongi and Wendy looked at each other, both were confused and he finally nodded and left. "So.. Wendy..", he stood up and walked around her. "We should dye your hair. So it won't be that obvious if you should get caught again. Which I hope won't happen. It would be a shame, right?"

Wendy tensed when Mr. Choi twirled a strand of her hair on his finger. "Of course, Sir."

Mr. Choi chuckled. "Call me Siwon, my dear."

Yoongi walked up and down in the recording studio. It's been a while already and Wendy was still not back. He checked his watch and focused his sight on the door. Surprisingly the door opened but it was only Chanyeol who walked inside. "Yo, dude. What are you doing here? I thought the mixtape is done?"

"Yeah, it is but we will record an extra song for the possible album.", he lied. "Why are you here that early in the morning? Did Baekhyun throw you out again?", Yoongi smirked. "W-What the fuck, bro. N-No. I have some paperwork to do. You know.. Notes and.. Stuff."

Yoongi laughed. "Sure, whatever floats your boat. You should treat him better though. You jerk, stop flirting with hoes." Chanyeol got bright red and quickly left. Yoongi loved teasing him.

Another ten minutes passed and Yoongi started to get worried. He stood in front of Mr. Choi's office, unsure if he should knock or just walk in. He leaned his head against the door and tried to listen to what might be happening inside. Silence.

Suddenly the door shot open and Yoongi jumped back in surprise. Wendy walked out and closed the door behind her back. "Are you alright?", Yoongi held Wendy's hand but she quickly pulled away. She smiled and nodded, then walked to the exit.

"Wendy! What happened?", Yoongi ran after her and grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. "Nothing. We just talked. I am really tired, Yoongi. I just want to sleep. See you later.", she turned around and left, leaving a lost Yoongi behind.

"Why are you still here?", Chanyeol's voice echoed through the empty and silent room. Yoongi was laid back in his chair and watched the white painted wall. For that moment it seemed more interesting than anything. He took a deep breath and jumped off his seat. "Chanyeol, I need your help." The tall boy looked confused but nodded, he would do anything for his best buddy. "What's the matter?"

"We need to sneak into the security room and check the camera recordings of Mr. Choi's office."

"Wait, what!?", Chanyeol whisper shouted. "Why?! Are you crazy?" Yoongi rubbed his face. "I will tell you a secret but promise not to tell anyone!"

"Of course man, you are my best bud how could I do that?"

"Listen. Me and Wendy... Well, we kind of are dating.."


"Shh! Don't be too loud!", Yoongi covered his friends' mouth who looked at him with wide eyes.


"What?", Yoongi let go and Chanyeol took a deep breath.

"Why do you want to check the cameras? What's the connection between Mr. Choi and Wendy?"

"Well exactly. I want to know what he did after I left the room. Wendy acted so differently. If he harassed her or even did something worse..", Yoongi clenched his fists. "I swear to god, I will choke that son of a bitch."

"Well, what are we waiting for then? Come on!", Chanyeol grabbed Yoongi's arm and pulled him along the long floor to the security's room.

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