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Wendy didn't know why or how but she ended up in Yoongi's apartment after all. She thought it's better to stay there than to be trapped by her mother.

Yoongi helped Wendy with her luggage and walked her to the guest room. They awkwardly stood in the room and Yoongi cleared his throat. "So uh, feel like home!", he smiled and handed her keys to the apartment. "Just in case you should need them."

Wendy smiled back and started unpacking her suitcases. Yoongi turned around at the doorframe and watched her for a while. He ingrained every little detail about her in his mind. She turned her face and their eyes met, making Yoongi blush since he was caught staring.

He rubbed his neck. "What would you like to eat?", he tried to save his ass. Surprisingly Wendy didn't scold him for staring. Instead, she laughed and put the empty suitcases inside her closet. "Stop wasting money! I will cook something. Meanwhile, you can take Luna out for a walk.", she lightly pushed him to the door.

Luna who got excited about the word walk started running around Yoongi's legs. He almost tripped when he felt Wendy's warm hands on his back. And his dog blocking the way wasn't making the situation any better.

Wendy sighed and stared at her hands after the two left. "Stop making my heart flutter, Min Yoongi." She shook off these thoughts and walked into the kitchen.


"Damn! That was tasty! Where did you learn to cook like that?", Yoongi leaned back in his seat and tapped his tummy. Wendy just smiled and started tidying up the messy kitchen. "If I continue eating like this, my hard gained abs will be gone in a second.", he stretched and noticed Wendy doing the dishes.

He walked to her and pulled her away from the sink. Yoongi lightly pushed her against the counter. Her eyes widened in shock, both hands raised next to her chest and covered in soap. Yoongi grabbed a towel and dried her hands. Wendy blushed when their hands touched.

"You are not my maid, I didn't get you here to do the work.", he whispered and took her hands in his. She looked at her hands. They were red and damaged. Yoongi sighed. "Go sit down, I will get some lotion."

Wendy obeyed, still shocked how gentle Yoongi was. She was mentally slapping herself for being such a weakling. Usually, she would punch every guy who even dared to get close to her. She gulped and looked up when Yoongi sat down next to her. He gently took her hands and poured some lotion on it. "I-I can do that myself..", she pulled her hands away. Yoongi nodded and walked to the kitchen.


It was around ten pm, Wendy cuddled and played with Luna while Yoongi was working on his laptop. Both sat on the couch, Yoongi was on the edge of the couch and quickly typed some weird looking letters on the data file.

None of them dared to speak first. An awkward silence filled the air. Wendy peaked over his shoulder. "What are you doing?", she finally asked. "That's the new song we recorded a few days ago. I have to add some background vocals and stuff..", he said and clicked on his mouse furiously.

Wendy was amazed at how knowingly and fast Yoongi worked. She shifted and sat next to him, looking at the screen. Yoongi clicked a few more times and then a familiar melody started playing, followed by Wendy's vocals.

She covered her face in embarrassment and Yoongi just laughed. "Cute."

"Turn this off I sound terrible!" she whined. "Hell no, that's my new jam!", he turned the volume louder earning a light punch on his arm by Wendy. She pushed him down on the couch and sat on his back. Yoongi, who was now facing the couch, laughed his ass off at the shy girl, who desperately tried to end the music.

"You are heavy get off me I can't breathe!", he couldn't stop laughing. Wendy sat on his upper surface which made it impossible for him to move. She slapped his butt several times. "You are calling me fat?! Take that back or I will continue my drum solo on that precious ass of yours!", she shouted, trying to hide her smile.

Yoongi shouted and pleaded for Luna to help him, but the pug lady was lazily sitting on the ground, getting ready for a nap. "Okay! I am sorry! Please get off me!", Yoongi shouted, his cheeks bright red about the fact that a girl was touching his butt.

Wendy knew she would be in trouble after she stood up, so she quickly sprinted to her room and locked the door. She leaned against the door, trying to calm down her racing heart. When she looked at the mirror at the wall, she noticed how red her cheeks were flushed. "Stop making a fool out of yourself. He is your boss. Stop. Stop.", she lightly slapped herself. Wendy dropped herself on the bed and watched the white ceiling. Her breathing started to get back to its average rhythm.

But why was she getting so nervous around him? Why was she so shy and girly next to him? "Fix your attitude, stupid! That's not you! Fuck!", she pushed a pillow against her face and groaned.

Yoongi was still lying on the couch. He shifted on his back and placed his hands on his chest. His heart was beating fast and he felt warm. What was happening? Is he falling in love? But that's impossible, isn't it? He swore he would never fall in love again. After what happened with her... He could not go through this all again.

Yoongi rubbed his face and lazily stood up. "Get back to your senses." Looking at Wendy's door he slowly walked into his room's bathroom. He stripped his clothes off and stepped into the shower. The cold water ran down his body and his muscles tensed. "I can't do this. I won't let myself hurt someone I love .. again.."

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