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Wendy slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was lying in Yoongi's bed, with his shirt on. Yoongi who was lying next to her shifted and hugged Wendy from the back. She turned her head to see that he was still sleeping. He only had shorts on, so Wendy pulled the bedsheets higher to cover his naked chest.

For a while, she just laid there and thought about everything that had happened. Yoongi mumbled something and cuddled closer to her. A small smile crept on her lips. She couldn't deny, she had missed him and she didn't want to let go again.

It started to get brighter in the room since the sun started to rise. Yoongi shifted again and when he opened his eyes, he immediately smiled at the sight. Wendy smiled shyly. "Good morning.." Yoongi hovered above Wendy's small figure and left butterfly kisses all over her face. She giggled and pushed him back to his side of the bed.

Both of them just stared at each other and Yoongi placed his hand on her cheek, slowly caressing it. "I missed to wake up next to you.." Wendy closed her eyes and sighed. "Why should I lie... I missed this too..", she whispered.

"You are not going to leave me again then? Right?", Yoongi bit his lower lip. Wendy opened her eyes. "How, when I am so desperately craving you.." Yoongi smiled and hugged her. He then remembered the video. "Wait..", he whispered and rushed to get his laptop. Wendy sat up in bed and looked around while waiting.

He quickly returned with his laptop in his arms and sat down next to her. He opened the video once again and Wendy tensed up when she saw the familiar scene on screen. Yoongi held her hand. "Wendy, it's not that I don't trust you. It's just that if I want to kill that asshole, I need proof. Did he.. harass you?" Yoongi gulped and studied Wendy's face.

She was pale and her eyes widened when she saw how the video ended. "W-Where's the end?!" Yoongi nodded. "Exactly, that's my point. I am going crazy and no one knows the end.. except for you and that asshole.."

She turned around and faced him, her eyes teary already. "Y-Yoongi.. believe me... W-We didn't do anything..", she hiccuped. "No, no no... Don't do that.", he cupped her face and kissed her passionately. "I trust you. And I know you wouldn't do such a thing."

Wendy cried and shook her head. "I pushed him a-away... I swear I d-did... But h-he told me to stay away from y-you.." Yoongi pulled her into a hug and caressed her back. "It's okay. That asshole won't be able to separate us.."

Wendy lightly pushed him away. "How? I quit my job but he said I can't. Because of the contract. I am now forced to work with someone else..", she whispered. He furrowed his brows. "Who?"

"I think his name was Song Minho.." Yoongi scoffed. "I see. He wants to play a game with me."

"What do you mean?"

"Mino is one of my biggest rivals. The media keeps comparing us." Wendy nodded and lowered her head. "I am sorry for causing you all this trouble.."

"Are you serious? Seungwan, I love you. And I won't give up on you just because my boss is a bitch." Wendy smiled weakly and grabbed Yoongi's hand. "I love you too, Min Yoongi." Yoongi leaned down and kissed her slowly. "So let's play along with that jerk and beat him with his own weapons, what do you think... Are you in?" Wendy nodded furiously. "I will hurt him so bad."

"Damn bae, you are so sexy when you are mad.", Yoongi grabbed his chest. Wendy chuckled and pushed him down, pinning him on the mattress before climbing on top of him. "I can be your worst nightmare too if I want to, Suga." Yoongi gulped.

"Whatever, get up, we have to think about a plan.", she jumped off the bed and walked to the bedroom, swaying her hips on purpose. "W-Wait what about us-", Yoongi protested and covered his lower half with a pillow. Wendy only laughed and locked the door to the bathroom.

Yoongi groaned as Luna jumped on the bed and looked at him with her big eyes. "She'll be the death of me."

Yoongi knocked a melody on the door. Wendy sighed. "He is obviously not home, let's go."

"No, he is home. He is just busy doing his boyfriend." And indeed, at that moment Chanyeol opened the door. His hair was messy and he only had pants on. When the taller saw Yoongi, he rolled his eyes. "You are such a cockblock, you know that?"

"I know, step aside the king is coming.", Yoongi trespassed into Chanyeol's apartment and Wendy apologized for his behavior. They sat down on the couch and Baekhyun rushed down the stairs. "What the?"

"I'm sorry..", Wendy said again and bowed down. Baekhyun and Chanyeol laughed. "Damn, Yoongi. You don't deserve someone like her. She is too pure and-"

"Shut up and listen.", Yoongi interrupted the taller. "I showed Wendy the video and she told me everything. Mr. Choi wants her to work with Mino. Which means he is trying to end my career."

"Mino!?", Chanyeol gasped. Yoongi nodded. "He is trying to ruin me, Yeol."

"Ha! As if, he won't be able to do that. Your fanbase is too strong." Yoongi sighed which made Wendy hold his hand. They shared a short smile before Baekhyun came back with tea for everyone. "You know, I am willing to help. I hate that jerk."

"Thanks, Baek. Means alot..", Yoongi smiled. "Anyways. So Chanyeol? Do you have any idea what we could do next?" The taller leaned back in his seat and tapped with his finger on his chin. "I might..."

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