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Yoongi's eyes fluttered open and he stretched his still sleepy limbs. He sat up and saw the empty side of the bed. A loud thud echoed from the kitchen and he quickly got up. When he walked to the kitchen, he saw Wendy stirring some kind of dough in a bowl. His eyes widened when he saw the many cakes on the kitchen counter.

"Who's going to eat this?", he finally spoke up and Wendy jumped back at the sudden sound of Yoongi. His raspy morning voice caused her goosebumps but she quickly focused back on her cake. "I am going to visit my old neighborhood and I decided to make some cake.."

Yoongi nodded and hugged Wendy from the back, who stopped stirring. "I missed you. I couldn't properly talk to you since yesterday. Is everything-"

"Yoongi, I really need to finish this before I leave, can we continue talking later?", she cut him off. The elder nodded sadly and decided to take a shower. Wendy bit her lip after he left. A tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away.

Luna who was sitting on the ground watched her. Wendy kneeled down. "Don't look at me like that. I missed him too, but I can't risk losing him because of Mr. Choi.." Luna licked her hand and she smiled. "I love you too, Luna."

"Hello, Mr. Choi. Long time no see."

Mr. Choi shook the man's hand and offered him a seat. "Indeed, it's been a while. So, did you think about my offer?" The man nodded. "I did, but why all of sudden? Last time we met you said you have Min Suga and you don't need another composer. What happened that you want me now?"

Mr. Choi smirked. "I changed my mind. I think this company needs another talented producer. And I also have your first singer to work with." He handed him a folder, with a picture of Wendy attached at the front.  The man raised his eyebrows. "She's pretty. Can she sing?"

Mr. Choi laughed. "Min Suga himself picked her. So guess how good she is." The other nodded. "Well then, I think I am willing to work with you, Mr. Choi."

"I am glad to have you on board, Song Minho."

"Sir, you know I prefer to be called Mino.", he shook his hand and Mr. Choi smirked.

Wendy grabbed her purse and the cake, which she piled up to one fancy cake. She struggled first but then put her shoes on. Luna walked around her legs and Wendy almost tripped and fell. She cursed but luckily the cake was still whole.

"Shall I drive you?", Yoongi asked. He has been watching her struggling for the last couple of minutes and finally decided to offer his help. Wendy bit her lip. She knew that if they'd get caught again, it would be the end for both of them. But on the other hand, she really needed help and she missed his presence. So she nodded slowly.

Yoongi smiled and took the cake. Their hands touched and Wendy immediately blushed. After Yoongi securely stored the cake at the back of his car, he got to the driver seat and started the engine. It was silent. Too silent. So Wendy turned the radio on. Yoongi sighed and focused on the street.

"~ it's a beautiful day in Seoul thanks for listening to radio 5 ~
up next Crosswalk by Jo Kwon~"

. . .

So afraid that you might have left
So afraid you might not be there anymore
So afraid, afraid that you might be gone
I cannot dare to look back

I will say the words that I wanted to tell you
I will say now that I had feelings for you
Turns out I'm such a fool

Yoongi's grip on the steering wheel got tighter. He felt weird. Wendy looked out the window and tried not to look at Yoongi. Finally, they arrived at Wendy's old neighborhood and she quickly undid her belt. When she tried to open the door, she noticed it was locked.

"Stay for a minute.", Yoongi whispered. Wendy slowly sat back in her seat and looked at her folded hands on her lap. "Why are you avoiding me..", Yoongi said. His eyes were closed and he leaned his head on the wheel. Wendy sighed. "I am not. Can you please unlock the door now. Nayeon is probably waiting for me."

"Wendy do you think I am stupid?", he sat up and looked her in the eyes. She shook her head. "Please, don't force it, Yoongi... I-I can't.."

He grabbed her hands. "You can't what? What on earth happened? If you don't tell me I can't help you! So please stop being stubborn and tell me. You can't imagine how hard it is for me to hold myself back. I am so close to drive to the company and rip that asshole's head off! But I can't if I don't have a reason to. So tell me.."

She shook her head. "No. He didn't do anything. It's just, I can't do this anymore. We are only hurting each other and .. look at us. We are not making each other happy, only the opposite." She freed her hands from his grip. "It's better for us if we only work together. This relationship wouldn't last long anyways.."

Yoongi's heart shattered. "Y-You... You are joking right?", his voice was shaking. Wendy closed her eyes. "I'm sorry. But I thought about this for a long time now. It's better if we part our ways. We only cause trouble and hurt each other. I don't want you to suffer because of me."

Yoongi blinked and a tear fell from his eye. He pushed a button and the doors got unlocked. Wendy slowly opened the door and took her cake. She bit her lip, trying not to cry. His eyes were looking into emptiness and he didn't notice that Wendy was gone already.

After Wendy gave the cake to his old landlord, she visited her friend's apartment. Nayeon opened the door and hugged her tight. She already knew what Wendy was planning to do. They sat down on her couch and Wendy started crying. "I knew it would be hard... B-But why does it hurt so much.."

Nayeon patted her hand. "It's going to be alright. Don't worry. You have to act strong.." Wendy nodded. "It's the best if I end it right now. I don't want him to get in trouble because of me. Mr. Choi is such an evil man.. I will leave the company tomorrow and move out from Yoongi's as well.."

"You are always welcome to live with me! I told you a thousand times!" Wendy nodded and forced a smile. "Thank you, Nayeon. Could you come help me to get my stuff from his apartment?" Nayeon nodded. "Of course. Now stop crying. Everything is going to be alright."

Chanyeol and Namjoon entered the bar. It was late and they didn't hear from Yoongi for hours. He had to be at the studio today but when he didn't show up, Chanyeol knew there was a problem. Namjoon pointed at the corner of the bar. Chanyeol followed his finger and saw the small figure drinking from his bottle.

They joined his table and Yoongi laughed bitterly. "Guess what.. I got dumped. Just like that! Cheers to Mr. Choi who ruined two relationships in my life!", he raised his bottle and took a big sip. Namjoon and Chanyeol looked at each other. Both knew this wouldn't end nicely for them. Especially not for Mr. Choi.

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