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"Wendy has to seduce Mr. Choi."

Yoongi laughed and turned to Baekhyun who was obviously feeling uncomfortable. "I'm sorry, Baek. Seems like you'll have to organize a funeral instead of a wedding soon!" Wendy lightly slapped Yoongi's arm. "You are rude."

"I am rude?! Didn't you hear what he has said!?"

"I did, but there is no reason to involve Baekhyun in that.." Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Alright, listen. You can't seduce Mr. Choi. He is too much of a bitch to actually fall for it." Chanyeol rubbed his neck. "How about Mino then?"

Yoongi slowly nodded. "This could be possible. We will record them while working and only cut the part where he harasses Wendy. Then I will send it to Koreaboo, Soompi, and Allkpop as an anonymous and boom! Bye Mr. Choi and Mino."

Wendy crossed her arms in front of her chest. "What about me huh? What if he really harasses me and I can't fight back?"

"Don't worry, I will be waiting in front of the door and once I hear you shouting, I will trespass! Knock Knock! ", Chanyeol kicked into the air. Baekhyun sighed. "But that means that so many people will lose their jobs. Isn't that unfair?" Chanyeol sat down next to his boyfriend and smiled. "Aw, baby I swear you are so cute when you care for others. But our genius Min Suga sure has a plan for that."

Yoongi blinked several times. Wendy looking at him made him even more nervous. "Yeah, Yoongi. What are you going to do about that problem?", Wendy smirked and stared at him. "Uh. Well... I.."

The others laughed. "Don't worry, Namjoon and I already made plans if the company should ever go down..", Chanyeol smiled. "Really?"

"Yup. We will just start our own company though!", Chanyeol shouted happily, Baekhyun cheering along. "I will join as a singer, yay!"

"I don't want to join any company ever again.", Wendy said and leaned back in her seat.

Yoongi pouted and laid his head on her lap. "Why? Not even in my company? Imagine how hot that would be. You as my secretary.", he bit his lip and chuckled, earning a light smack on his forehead. "Aaaanyway!", Chanyeol said and jumped up. "Could you like... leave now? I have something to do."

"Oh, you didn't finish doing Baekhyun?", Yoongi said grinning.

Wendy sat in Mino's office. She was nervous and checked the time every 5 seconds, hoping it would end already. "Alright, so you have to forget Suga's work completely. It's trash anyways. I thought about those two songs as your debut song..", he handed her two sheets of paper. "Pick one."

Wendy scanned both songs, reading the lyrics. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't you like it?", Mino leaned back and watched the girl sitting in front of him carefully- Wendy shook her head. "if brevity is the soul of wit, your penis must be a riot " Wendy looked up and sighed. "That's nothing like me and to be honest I don't want people to think I am rude or anything."

Mino laughed. "Girl, that's this generation's music. People like it like this. Get used to it." She sighed again and stood up. "I don't want to sing those. I really liked Suga's songs. They had a meaning and actually fitted me."

"Listen, little girl.", Mino stood up and walked around the table. "I am not Suga. All of my songs were a number one hit for the last two years. You don't have a choice. You have to sing those.", he smirked and grabbed her chin, pulling her closer. Wendy closed her eyes shut and expected the worst but she heard laughter and when she opened her eyes, Mino was back on his seat. "Now, better go practice your vocal chords. We will start recording tomorrow."

Wendy slammed the door shut behind her back and took a deep breath. "Patience, Wendy. Be patient.", she mumbled to herself and walked to the new studio she has to be working at with Mino.

Yoongi stood in front of the fridge and scanned the contents. "Hmm..- What do you think, Luna. Should I cook something or just go classic with Ramyun?" Luna wiggled her tail and licked her face, making Yoongi chuckle. "I know right, why do I even ask? Of course, it's Ramyun."

He grabbed a packet of the noodle and set some water to boil. While he was waiting he checked his phone. It was getting late but Wendy still didn't come home. Yoongi chewed on his lower lip and decided to call her. "Sup.", the other line picked up.

"Who are you?", Yoongi stood up when he heard a male voice. "Yoongi chill, it's Mark." He sighed when he remembered that Wendy had a brother. "I'm sorry, I was just worried when a boy picked Wendy's phone up." The other chuckled and some weird noises made Yoongi look at his phone. "What the?"

"Yoongi~" When he heard her voice he quickly pushed his phone back to his ear. "Hey, baby. I just wanted to ask when you are coming home..", he rubbed his neck, luckily she couldn't see him blushing like a teenage boy.

"Oh about that..", Wendy sighed.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, don't worry baby. It's just my father wants to see me. Seems like I won't make it home tonight. Don't wait for me alright? I will sleep here tonight.." Yoongi hummed, not so amused about the news. "Alright..", he mumbled. Wendy chuckled. "Don't miss me too much!", she said and hung up.

Yoongi pouted and put his phone away. "Seems like it's only us tonight, Luna. Just as in the good, old days..", he sighed and picked up the heavy pug, cuddling her while continuing to prepare his beloved Ramyun.

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