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Admit it, even if you say you want to stay away from a certain person, something inside you still can't  or better said - won't do that. Wendy walked up and down in the little apartment of her friend. Her eyes looking through the thin curtain to check if Yoongi still was there.

The rain got heavier and the wind was blowing too hard "You idiot.. You will get sick..", she whispered as she bit on her nail. She looked outside again and saw how he sat down on a wet bench in front of the building. He didn't even bring an umbrella. "Whatever! I don't care!", Wendy groaned and tossed her body on the couch.

Yoongi started to shiver. The cold and heavy rain soaked his clothes within seconds. He clenched his hands to fists and stuffed them into his pocket, trying to get them warm. He shut his eyes and tried to think of positive things when suddenly the rain stopped hitting his face. His eyes shot open and he looked up only to see Wendy holding an umbrella above him.

Yoongi stood up and stepped closer to Wendy, who was avoiding his gaze. It was silent, none of them dared to speak first. The sound of Wendy's teeth chattering made Yoongi break the silence. "You'll get sick. Go back inside." She scoffed. "You idiot, what are you doing here then?"


"Can't you do that at home. Why did you come here."

"I have this habit that I only can think properly if I am near to someone I like."

Wendy shook her head. "Go away." , she pressed another umbrella against his chest. "And take this." When she turned around to leave, Yoongi grabbed her wrist. Both of the umbrellas fell to the ground, and due to the strong wind, Wendy's umbrella flew away.

She screamed when the cold rain soaked her clothes and hair wet. Yoongi's grip was too strong, she couldn't run back inside. "Let me go, what are you doing!", she yelled.

He only looked at her. His eyes were full of pain. She calmed down when she saw Yoongi's empty sight. "You promised.", he whispered and Wendy stopped trying to get her wrist free. She gulped and lowered her head.

"Why did you leave. Tell me. Now. Or I will stay here until I freeze to death." Yoongi said and Wendy shook her head. "I am dying, Wendy. I need you.." She looked up to meet his sparkling eyes. He was crying, not even the rain could cover that fact.

Wendy panicked and cupped his cheeks. "No, please... Yoongi... I-I told you already, why are you still forcing-"

"Give me a fucking reason why I should let go so easily!", he shouted. "A real reason.", he added.

"I don't want you anymore! Okay!? Now leave me alone!", she shouted back. She was hurt that he yelled at her. But she knew it was her own fault that things evolved like this. He shook his head. "I don't believe you. And remember my words, Son Seungwan...", he took a step back. Wendy looked at him, she wanted to hug him and tell him that she loved him but she could not.

"I will find out the real reason why you behave like this. Even if it costs my job." Wendy closed her eyes and sighed. "Yoongi.."

"No. I am tired of this all. I am tired of overthinking! For the whole week, I have been breaking my head, thinking about what I possibly have done wrong that lead you to leave me! I love you, Wendy..", he clenched his hands to fists. "And I won't make the same mistake twice - to give up on the woman I love, just because my asshole boss said so."

Wendy couldn't hold her tears back anymore and silently cried. Yoongi bowed down to pick up the second umbrella. He opened it and gave it to Wendy, who shivered from the coldness. She looked at him, her eyes screamed for help but she couldn't say anything. "I am sorry...", was all she could say when Yoongi turned around and ran the street up.

"Where the fuck have you been, man?!", Chanyeol and Namjoon entered Yoongi's studio the next day. Yoongi was focused on his computer and furiously clicked on some files. He deleted the mixtape and then he took the finished, physical copy only to break it in half.

"What the fuck!?", Namjoon shouted. "Wasn't that the mixtape!? Mr. Choi wanted that for tomorrow?!"

"He can suck my balls!", Yoongi shouted and stood up. His chair fell to the ground and Chanyeol jumped back before it could hit his feet. "I am done working for him! I will quit! But before I do that, I will go and get the recordings of his office!"

"Still!? Are you crazy man!", Chanyeol whisper shouted. "Do I look like I am joking, Yeol?!"

"First of all, calm the fuck down!", Namjoon said and pushed him to sit down on the table. After Yoongi sat down and drank half a bottle of water, Namjoon continued to talk. "Now tell me what happened. Where have you been all week? What made you so mad."

Yoongi ruffled his hair and took a deep breath. "I have been home, ok? I didn't want to see anyone. I fucking got dumped by Wendy and she won't tell me why! I am sure it is because of that bitch Siwon! It all started when she was with him in his office!"

Chanyeol chewed on his lower lip. "Do you think that he perhaps... Well, you know.. Sexually harassed her?" Yoongi groaned frustrated. "I don't know! I thought of a million scenarios and I am so close to walking in his office to choke him to death!"

"Calm down, wild boy.", Namjoon hit his shoulder. "We will find out." Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "You'll help me?"

"Of course man, you know I hate that son of a bitch!" Chanyeol laughed. "Same. But you got my back if something happens right? Or else I don't know how to explain to Baekhyun if he suddenly asks why I got arrested."

Yoongi smiled for the first time after a whole week. He felt blessed to have such amazing friends. "This time..", Yoongi said. "Let me talk to the security guy if we should meet him." Chanyeol rubbed his neck embarrassed and the three of them walked out his office.

Wendy's hands were trembling. She didn't want to walk inside this room again. But she had to. "Now or never..", she whispered and walked inside Mr. Choi's office, who was looking outside the window. "Oh, Wendy. Nice to see you again. I hope your little time off was refreshing.", he turned around and smiled.

"I quit."

Mr. Choi laughed. "Naww, my dear. It's not that easy. You signed a contract, did you forget?" He walked closer and Wendy took a step back. "Don't come too close or I will sue you for harassment."

Mr. Choi only grinned and raised his hands up in defeat. "Fine, darling. But this still doesn't change the fact that you are signed. You are basically mine.", he smirked. She closed her eyes and sighed. "Mr. Choi. Please let me go. I don't want to work with Yoon- Min Suga.. anymore." Her heart ached at the thought of him.

"Alright. That's no big deal."


Mr. Choi pressed a button on his phone. "Hani, could you please tell Mino to visit my office now."

"Who is Mino?", Wendy furrowed her brows. There was a knock at the door and within 5 seconds a handsome, tall man stood in the room. He smiled and bowed down to greet both of them. "You called me, Sir?"

"Wendy, that's Mino. Work hard, he will be your new partner. You'll spend a lot of time together.", Mr. Choi smirked.

"But don't make the same mistake twice, young lady."

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