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It was late at night and Wendy silently closed the door to Yoongi's apartment. She tiptoed to the kitchen only to be greeted by Luna who was sitting on the ground, staring into her soul. "Luna! Stop being so creepy..", Wendy whispered and placed the cake she bought on the counter. "Is Yoongi sleeping?", she kneeled down and petted the pug who was craving for some love.

Wendy chuckled as she rummaged through some drawers to find a candle. Happy that she finally found one - she stuck it on the red velvet cake with cherries on top and smiled after she lit up the candle.

Slowly and carefully, she walked to Yoongi's bedroom and smiled when she saw her boyfriend peacefully sleeping. She placed the cake on the nightstand and sat down on the edge of the bed. For a while she only watched him sleep. Wendy silently giggled at how cute he looked when he was sleeping.

Wendy leaned down and pecked his little nose, making Yoongi shift his position

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Wendy leaned down and pecked his little nose, making Yoongi shift his position. She smiled and pecked his cheek this time. Yoongi took a deep breath and mumbled something in his dream. "My cute, little rapper..", Wendy giggled and finally pecked his lips. Yoongi groaned and stretched, looking around with only creeping one eye open.

"Wendy?", he mumbled and opened both of his eyes. He sat up and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "What is that?" Wendy smiled and took the cake, holding it in between them both. "Happy six months, Min Yoongi. Thank you for everything.", she smiled.

"Fuck...Wendy..I..", he combed his hair back with his fingers. "I am such a bad boyfriend, I didn't even prepare anything.." Wendy chuckled. "I didn't expect anything. I just wanted to tell you and show you how thankful I am to have you in my life. Let's not get too cheesy, okay?"

Yoongi laughed and nodded. "Let's make a wish." Both closed their eyes and smiled. "Ready?" Wendy hummed and they blew the candle together once they opened their eyes again. Yoongi poked into the cake and tasted it, nodding in approval. "That's some good cake though."

Wendy smiled and put it back on the nightstand. She laid down on the bed, her back pressed against Yoongi's chest. He slung his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I am happy.", Yoongi whispered, making Wendy's heart flutter. "You make me happy." Thankfully it was dark, so Yoongi couldn't see Wendy blush. She sighed and turned her head, softly kissing his cheek. Yoongi chuckled. "Hey, shall we make Mr. Choi angry again?"

"Huh?", Wendy raised her eyebrows. Yoongi leaned over and grabbed his phone. "Let's take a picture, I will post it on twitter. I want to see his and my fans' reaction..", he bit his lip. Wendy seemed to think for a minute. "Okay... But what if he goes mad this time?" Yoongi shrugged. "I quit a while ago so he can suck my ass. And if he should resign you, it's even better."

"Well... Okay..", Wendy smiled. Yoongi took his phone and captured their hands and the bed.

 Yoongi took his phone and captured their hands and the bed

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축복. (blessed) 행복 한. (happy) 사랑. (loved)

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Wendy smiled and shortly kissed Yoongi on the lips. "You are the cutest." Yoongi sighed. "I know. It's a blessing and a curse." She laughed and slapped his chest. "Since when are you so vain?"

"Uh, since forever?", he laughed and pulled her closer. "Yeah, whatever. Shush now, I want to sleep.", Wendy turned around and pulled the sheets higher. Yoongi scoffed. "Seriously? Aren't we going to.. you know.. celebrate this day?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

Wendy stayed silent and soon little snores filled the room. Yoongi sat up and his jaw dropped in disbelief. "That's so rude.." Luna who walked inside their bedroom jumped on the bed and laid down between the couple. "Luna, go away.", Yoongi tried to shoo away the pug but the diva was already comfortable and growled when Yoongi touched her.

"I can't believe this right now. You two girls, stick up together and I am the fool here..", Yoongi sighed and laid down on the little space which was left for him.

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