Heart Broken

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria, Jude, Lucy, Max, Marie, and Reginald. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Heart Broken

            My heart raced. It was May second, 1998? That means it was the Battle of Hogwarts. I panicked more. Where was Fred? “Where is he?” I looked at my parents and sat up. “Where’s Fred?!”

            Their faces fell and they looked at each other. My mum touched my arm and said, “He’s dead.”

            Those words broke my heart into a thousand pieces. This had to be a dream. Fred and I were married and had kids. Five years couldn’t have been a dream, could it? He couldn’t have been dead. I had to see him. I had to know for sure. I didn’t trust what my parents said. “I have to see him.” I stood up and everyone in the hospital wing of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry stared at me. I didn’t pay any attention to them, though. I just headed straight out of the room.

            “Aria, no. You need to rest.” My dad said as him and Mum followed me.

            “No! I need to see him!” I started running through the hall that led to the fourth floor of the Grand Staircase. I ran as fast as I could down the stairs and to the Great Hall. The dead were lying on the floor and those who weren’t up in the hospital wing were down there talking and telling stories. I looked through all the dead and finally saw a red haired, freckled faced Fred Weasley lying on the ground; lifeless. If my parents telling me he was dead didn’t kill me, this did. Tears instantly filled my eyes and I shook my head. “No. No, no, no, no, no!” I yelled and ran over to him. “Fred, no. You have to be alive. We’re married. We have kids.” I started crying and I clutched his shirt.

            “Aria, come on.” Lee Jordan said and grabbed my arm.

            “No!” I looked up into his dark eyes and took my arm away from him. “He’s supposed to be alive!”

            “Lee,” Hermione Granger said as she stood by us. Her brown eyes looked sad and her brown hair was a mess but so was everyones. “Let her do this.”

            Lee sighed and the two of them walked away. I looked down at Fred and touched his face. I suddenly remembered everything. Fred, his older brother Percy, and I were fighting Death Eaters and Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, and Hermione joined us. Percy was joking around and Fred was getting a kick out of it. A Death Eater tried to hit me and Fred blocked it. He looked at me and I saw something different in his eyes. It was love. After that, I don’t remember what happened. I remembered an explosion but that was it. That must’ve been when he saved me.

            Everything else came back to my mind. Fred and I getting married was all a dream. Our kids were a dream. Everyone’s kids were a dream. The marriages and my friendship with Draco was a dream. I was only friends with Fred. We were never together and I didn’t love him. Until now. Because of the dream, I was in love with Fred and he was dead. And realizing that made it harder for me to let go of the dream. It had to have been real. It felt so real. I laid my head on his chest and breathed in his red velvet cake smell. It was nice to know he really did smell like that and that wasn’t a part of the dream.

            “I love you, Fred.” I rubbed his chest. “You can’t leave.”

            “He loved you too, Aria.” Fred’s twin brother George said as he sat down by me.

            “He did?” I asked; really hoping that it wasn’t the dream or my mind just assuming things.

            He nodded. “Yeah. He told me just before we got here and that he was going to tell you after the battle.”

The Girl with the Broken Heart (The Girl with the Heart Scar Threequel)Where stories live. Discover now