Fred's Funeral

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria, Jude, Lucy, Max, Marie, and Reginald. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Fred’s Funeral

            The shower felt nice and welcoming. I had spent all day at Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes trying out new products for Fred and George. I had my hair turn orange three times that day and I was the butt of every joke for the twins. I just wanted to crawl into my bed and sleep and I was glad it was my night off from singing at the Leaky Cauldron. I finished showering quickly and changed into my pajamas. As I walked out into my room, arms grabbed me and I screamed. I heard the familiar laugh of one of my best friends and I turned to look at Fred.

            “Fred! You gave me a heart attack!” I hit him and he just laughed more.

            “That’s why I did it, Air.” He grinned and I crossed my arms.

            “What are you doing here?”

            “Just wanted to visit my favorite girl.”

            “Well, Angelina’s not here.” I turned off my light and lied down on my bed.

            Fred jumped onto my bed with me and looked into my eyes. “Not her. You. Angelina and I broke up.”

            I looked at him in shock. Angelina and Fred had been together since my fourth year at Hogwarts and now they were done? “Why? Did you do something stupid?”

            He shook his head. “No. I broke it off.”

            “Oh.” I yawned.

            “I’m glad to see your hair is black again.”

            I rolled my eyes. “Well, if someone hadn’t turned orange it would’ve been black all day.”

            “We were just experimenting.” He defended. “Plus you agreed to be our guinea pig.”

            I sighed. He did have a point. “Alright. Are you staying over?”

            He shrugged. “Don’t know. Do you want me to?”

            “I don’t care.”

            “Then I will.” He smiled and got off my bed.

            He took off his shirt and pants and got into his boxers like he normally does when he goes to bed. I know it’s wrong because he is my best friend but Fred had a really nice physique. He was a taller than I was but not as tall as he brothers. He was stocky and had great abs. But he was still just Fred to me so I didn’t care what he looked like. We would never be a couple. He lied back down by me and we both got under the covers.

            “I love your bed.” He told me.

            “I know, Fred. You say that every time you lie down on it.” I reminded him.

            “Well, it’s true.” He snuggled more into my bed. “Night, Air.”

            “Night, Fred.”

            I opened my eyes and half expected my head to be lying on Fred’s chest. But it wasn’t. The dream was one of the many memories I’ve had with him. I sighed as I sat up and dreaded the events of the day. It was May fifth and was the day of Fred’s funeral. I just wanted it all to be over with. I looked over at one of the beds in my room and saw my tall, dark haired, adoptive cousin Jude Reynolds lying in it with is blonde haired, short, thin, wife Lucy. It was nice to know that wasn’t just a dream. They even had Max which made me think that part of the dream must’ve also been a premonition. I got out of bed and walked passed Max’s crib as I went to my closet. He was still asleep and I smiled down at him.

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