Breakfast at the Beacon

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Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters except Aria, Jude, Lucy, Max, Marie, Ben, Taylor, and Reginald. Everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Breakfast at the Beacon

            George and I were running through the park across from Sirius Black’s house where we were staying over Christmas holiday. The two of us, Fred, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron were having a snowball fight after begging my parents and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley to let us outside. Ron, Hermione, George, and I were against Harry, Ginny, and Fred and George and I were trying to get away from them. I was running ahead of George and went behind the fountain to hide. I slid on some ice and fell on my back to the ground. George did too but he landed on top of me and we slid down the hill. Once we hit snow, we started rolling and stopped with me lying on him. The two of us laughed and I put my head on his chest.

            “Well, that was fun.” I laughed.

            “Are you ok?” He asked and I nodded.


            I looked into his eyes and he stared into mine. He touched my cheek with his hand then tucked my hair behind my ear. My heart started racing and I felt myself bringing my face closer to his. “Gotcha!” Fred Yelled and we were suddenly pelted with snowballs.

            I opened my eyes and sighed. I wanted the dreams to end but I knew Fred wouldn’t do that. He still wanted me with George even when I said I wanted to be with Ben. Well, I wanted to want to be with Ben. George knew I loved him now. Even if I didn’t say it, he knew. I could tell by the way he looked at me before I left Ron’s party the previous day. I left and went straight to Ben’s. He was surprised that I was there earlier than I said but I didn’t know what else to do. I couldn’t stay at the party with George and I didn’t want to go home because Fred would’ve ended up there and I would’ve fought with him. I had to go to Ben’s. I didn’t tell him what happened, though. I just said it ended early and we watched movies for the rest of the day. Well, I tried to watch the movies. I just kept thinking about George. He was like a song stuck in my head.

            I groaned and rolled over. I looked at the boy next to me and stared at him. Why couldn’t I love Ben? Why did sleeping next to him make me feel so wrong? Well, I knew the answer to the second question but why couldn’t I love him? He was everything I liked in a guy. We were into the same stuff, he was funny, smart, and kind. But I felt like he was my brother. Maybe I needed to get if more time. I thought of George like a brother before I fell in love with him. Maybe that feeling would die and come back with Ben. My heart hurt thinking about that. It was officially at war with my head for who I needed to be with.

            I sat up and saw Fred sitting at the end of the bed. I rolled my eyes and asked, “What are you doing here?”

            He looked at me innocently. “I just came to talk.”

            “You mean you came to get me to go be with George.” I crossed my arms. “I’m not going.”

            He sighed. “George loves you, Aria. He knows you love him so why can’t you be with him? Why are you with this nobody?”

            I clenched my fist. “Ben isn’t a nobody. He’s my boyfriend. I’m with him because he’s who I should be in love with and will be in love with after I spend more time with him.”

            He shook his head. “No. Aria you will never be in love with him. You will always love George.”

            I looked back at Ben then back to Fred. “But I want to love Ben. I have to.”

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