Chapter 2: What's the definition of cute?

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I'm waiting for a reply from Noah, and the suspense is killing me. Maybe I should do something to get him off my mind. I can always go to Carly's house and spend the night there. But at the same time I don't want to, Carly has so much stuff she does on Monday. Like piano lessons for half an hour before school, and ballet right after school. She looks like a legit ballerina. Me, I don't do much, besides my love of writing books and songs. I seriously have a dull life. I haven't written a song for a while, and I should catch up soon. But writing a song isn't something I want to do while waiting for a reply. You know what? I'll just play Super Smash Bros on my Wii U. Can't hurt right? So what if I'm like a level three and always use Peach? Still worth the time of waiting.

After an hour of playing Super Smash Bros I look at my iPad and see if he replied yet. Still no reply, man he knows how to keep a girl waiting, or he doesn't use Instagram anymore. I sit down at the coffee table and read my French book, I'm fully bilingual in both languages. My name in French is Lavende. Then the phone rings and I see the caller ID. It says Bella Newman, she never called me before, we always iMessage. How did she even get my number? I'll just answer it anyway. "Hello?"
"Lavender, Carly gave me your number. I just wanted to talk to you and hear your voice." She says, that answers my question
"What is it? And why can't you just FaceTime me? Or Skype me?"
"Because I just want to hear your voice."
"That's why FaceTime Audio is invented."
"Okay fine, you got me. I honestly totally forgot about FaceTime Audio."
"Okay, what's up?"
"Okay, I think I like Noah. I mean who am I to say that I love him? I don't know what love is. We spoke a lot in Science because we were lab partners and it sounded like we had chemistry. Are seeing the irony?" I couldn't breath after what Bella said. I ran to my room to see if he replied to my friend request. Still hasn't, so pissed off.
"Oh, I'm so happy for you Bella." I hate lying to one of my best friends. But it's Bella's first crush, I'm happy for her. His cuteness is as crazy like Jesus riding a pony crazy.
"I was thinking," started Bella "I only told you this because I was thinking about what Carly said at school today and I'm not sure if it's true. I mean you and Carly have been best friends since kindergarten. She knows you better than anyone. I only met you in Grade 3. So, is what Carly said true? Do you like Noah?" What should I say without getting super bitchy like Regina George? Maybe it's safe if I say not sure. It's in the middle, but at the same time she could get ideas of yes. Right now, me not replying to her is getting her an idea of saying yes. I better say something quick "No." I blurt out. Great I just played my cards wrong, maybe the next turn around I can make up for it.
"Are you sure?"
"No." Trying to make up for what I said "I'm not sure anymore. I guess you can have him, you have more history him."
"No Lavender, I don't want to make you miserable. It's okay if we both like him. I'll tell you if something happens between us okay? But you have to promise to do the same."
"Of course Bella. Thanks for understanding." I say happily
"No problem, I have to practice the Viola I'll see you later." She hangs up and I put my phone on my bed. I see that Noah finally accepted my friend request. See? Told you things happen for a reason.

The next day I'm ready to go to school, but Carly isn't there. I pick up the phone and call her it went straight to voicemail. Odd, she always picks up her phone, unless she's at school or sleeping. So what's wrong with Carly? I text her that I'm walking to school without her, can't risk being late for school. So I'm finally at school and someone bumps into me. "Sorry, oh who am I kidding? I did that on purpose." Says the guy, when I look up at him it's Noah. I suddenly lost my breath. He bumped into me on purpose? What a cute little jerk. "Cool. Did you want to talk to me about something?" I say praying he wants to talk to me and not just a random weirdo you meet on the streets.
"Yeah, why did you send me a friend request on Instagram? I only accepted it because I'm always looking forward to new followers."
"That was you?" I lied and I know I couldn't see myself, but I knew I wasn't handling this right. He's going to know I like him soon. "I saw a cute profile pic and I sent a friend request." I'm such an asshole, what the hell did I just do? Noah looked confused, and after a while he said "Are you calling me cute?" My eyes widen and I literally couldn't breathe anymore. How am I supposed to get out of this one?

Author's note

I will remind you I'm fairly new to Wattpad. So, if you have any ideas, that won't interrupt the flow of my ideas feel free to tell me. I'll be sure to give you credit at the end of the chapter when I mention it. Also I will follow you. I always consider people who have lots of creativity. So I hope I'm not asking for much, if none of the ideas that you gave me flow, I always have ideas in my head. I said every Sunday before. But now, I'm just going to start publishing books when they're done so you don't have to wait a million years. Thank-you for reading my book. See you in the next chapter.

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