Chapter 14: Avenge to Revenge

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I re-downloaded Instagram on my iPad because I couldn't live three days without it. So all morning, I have been posting selfies of myself and was checking out Bella's profile. I realized I lost one follower last night and I also realized it was Carly. So, I decided to check out her profile, and there's a billion pics of her with Heather. I guess they're best friends again, and Carly's going to convince Derek not to be my friend. So I decided to call him, I hope he answers. "Hi." says Derek with a very low voice

"Hey, it's Lavender. What's up?"

"You woke me up from a paranormal dream. So that means you have my attention for the whole morning." Yes. Thank God

"So, before I start talking, promise me you won't tell anyone what I'm saying right now."

"Not even Bella?"

"Not even Bella."

"Okay, what's up?"

"Did Carly say anything about me to you?"

"No. Am I suppose to expect something?"

"Yes, did you regret going on a date with her? Do you still like Heather?"

"After I started dating Carly I stopped having feelings for Heather."

"You guys are dating?" This is not good.

"Yeah, we  started dating a week after our date."

"Oh, okay remember this convo I had with you. But don't tell anyone, or I swear Derek you're ass will be grass."

"Okay, I guess Carly and you aren't friends, what happened?"

"Heather got into her head."

"Um, okay."

"So, did you regret going on a date with her?"

"I did, at first. Knowing she goes to jail for street art and all that other madness. It was freaking."

"Oh, so you won't stop being friends with me, right."

"Never. You mean a lot to me." 

"Okay see you at school."

"Bye." He hung up, and I realized I spent the whole morning talking to Derek. So I got my stuff and walked to school alone. 

When I finally got to school, I look around and saw Heather talking to Heather. Bella runs to me with a smile. "Everything will be okay. I promise." she says which makes me feel much better. 

"Hey." Derek say s from behind me, it was weird. Where did he come from? 

"Hey, what's up?" I ask

"Are you guys going to leave me out of this conversation? Because I could just leave you know." Bella says and she went straight on her iPhone. 

"I guess we don't have to worry about her." says Derek "why are you so paranoid?"

"I'm not. Did Carly talk to you?"

"I haven't spoke to her yet. But she did text me saying she wants me too." I grabbed his shoulders and squeeze them tightly. "Stay strong Derek, I need you to stay strong. If she says anything about me, know it's not true and it's Heather talking through her."

"I got it. Don't believe anything that Carly says to me." he shakes his shoulders and I let go of his shoulders. 

"Get this conversation over with. Go mingle with Carly." I say and push him her direction. I sigh and look at Bella and she's playing a game which I can't tell. "That went well." she says

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